Whatsapp- Jack G & Clarissa| Jack G & GROUP

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DaddyG💦: Clari, im sorry. I shouldn't have let you find out the way you did it such an asshole. Truth is, me and madison aren't a couple. Management are making us pretend so that we can get more publicity. I'm really sorry if i had another option i would've chosen that. You are the only one for me i love you with all my heart and all my soul and i miss you. I'm going to do everything i can to get us back together. I love you so fucking much.

Clarise🍒: It's okay, i forgive you. I just want to know why you let me find out the way you did? that's what hurt the most. The fact you didn't even have the balls to say it to my face. it's okay though, i understand that managers can be a bit ruthless sometimes and only care about publicity. I love you too, i do hope that one day we'll be back together. I miss you baby 💖

DaddyG💦: I didn't wanna tell you straight up because it hurts. It hurts more than being kicked in the nuts. I don't know what will happen if i don't get management to do something. I can't keep lying to my fans, and to my friends. They deserve to know the truth.

Clarise🍒: So tell our friends the truth. Don't tell the fans yet, but tell our friends. They won't tell anyone if you tell them not too.

DaddyG💦: That's a good idea.If it wasn't for you i'd lose my head.
DaddyG💦 created group chat.
DaddyG💦 added; johnSON💥, natem8, milkinson🍼, stassie💋,clarise🍒 and tez🌵
DaddyG💦: Me and Madison 😷 aren't dating. it's just management trying to gain publicity.
Stassie💋: Thank the lorDDD JESUS 🙏🏻. You + Clarissa = OTP.
tez🌵: das good cuz clari is like my lil sis. u hurt her on purpose i kill u. got that?
DaddyG💦: yes sir^
johnSON💥: madison? more like nopeison.
Clarise🍒: G said he's gonna try and do everything to get us together.
DaddyG💦: that's right. I hate not being with my baby 😭
milkinson🍼: madison can leave the country, become vladimir putins baby daddy, and eat mushrooms for the rest of her life.
natem8: didn't realise u and mads were together lool but i agree wit tez. i got a gun license man, an i ain't afraid to use it.

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