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"Who needs color anyway?" A female voice spoke up, snapping Pete out of his thoughts. He turned to look at a girl he didn't remember the name of. He simply shrugged and sat up, looking for his clothes.

"I mean, why bother looking for something when you can live...freely." She added, hoping to strike conversation.

"I dunno, people just want a soulmate I guess." He sighed, he was one of the people who wanted a special someone.

"Well it's a waste of time, but anyway, I'm gonna head out. Thanks for the fun night, Pete." She chirped, already fully clothed and headed out the door to the bedroom.

"Bye uh..."

"Meagan." She finished, and then the shutting of the front door was heard, Meagan finally left. Pete sat up quickly, and rushed to the bathroom to look at himself in the mirror. He frowned when all he saw was the same black, greys, and white. Another failed one night stand, he had to try again tonight. It was lonely living the life he had, his dad owned a huge company so money was never an issue, so all he did was sleep around.

His biggest fear was dying alone, it always was. He's seen his friends in lovely colors and hues, and that's what he wanted. But the topic always made him uneasy because anything could go wrong if his strategy finally worked.

Unlike most fuckboys, Pete's tendencies were because he hoped one day, he'll find his soulmate. He sighed and decided to get dressed, putting on a black shirt with black skinny jeans, then he placed a burgundy beanie on his head. He looked at himself in the mirror, wondering how he truly looked like. He always had these moments, wondering if he had brown eyes, or green, maybe even possibly blue eyes.

He then wondered if he would ever stop hooking up even after finding his soulmate, would he settle down? The idea of finding "the one" is what kept him going, but what happened after that?

He took a look at his arm and the idea for the day popped into mind. So he put on his shoes and got the keys to his car, when he hopped in his vehicle, he decided to get the rest of his latest tattoo finished, hoping it would fill up his day. Then he'll head out to his favorite bar, which was very popular so it attracted many people. And he'll also see his best friend.

Night time eventually fell and the familiar smell of alcohol, sweet perfume, and sweat was all around. The music lightly played, and the screams of sports fans could be heard as they watch whatever game was on. The light chatter, and welcoming hangout was merely a disguise to the dirty deeds that were usually done in such location.

He sat down, and instantly looked for his favorite bartender, smiling when he found him.

"Hey Patrick!" Pete yelled, catching the attention of the blond with fading blue-green eyes. He smiled slightly, making his way in front of where Pete sat. The two have been friends since highschool, when Pete found out his best friend worked at a bar, he decided it would be a perfect place to find potential hookups. He wouldn't be alone, and could always have a wingman by his side.

"Hey Pete." He spoke softly, cleaning cups used to serve drinks.

"How have you been holding up, 'Trick?" He asked, knowing Patrick's husband, Andy, had passed away a few months ago. Seeing the color draining from his friend was always a hurtful sight to see.

"I've been hanging on." He sighs, but shrugs it off to not worry Pete.

"Same as usual dude?" He asks, shifting the rest of the conversation. Pete nodded and started looking around, not seeing anyone that caught his eye. Of course, there were better ways in finding your soulmate, but Pete had a high sex drive and a crave for company. So if he didn't find his soulmate, he got at least something out of it.

However tonight, he didn't see anyone, and frankly, he wasn't much in the mood like usual. He frowned to himself knowing he'll go home alone, and earlier that usual.

"No one catching your interest, Wentz?" The blond chuckled lightly, sliding his drink over to him. Pete nodded and gave him the money for the drink.

"Hey, my shift ends early tonight, so we could hang out afterwards." He offers, sounding a bit cheerful. Pete smiled, how could he refuse? He loved seeing his friend lighten up every once in a while. He got to stay longer, and less time alone, the plan fitted perfectly.

"Of course dude, I won't worry about a hookup tonight." All he wanted to do was catch up on things with Patrick, being a bartender at night and a librarian in the morning didn't leave them much time to talk. And they both valued the times where they could just sit down and smile in the presence of each other.

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