"Yes, just stop babying me and get on with it!" He shouted, on edge now. You doubled the rope and looped it through the needle first try. You knew how to sew, but you weren't amazing at it. And you certainly hadn't sewn up someone's flesh before.

You were about to start when Chucky yelled out "Wait!" Making you almost stab him with the needle. You were so stressed at the moment. "Give me something to bite on!" Chucky pleaded. You quickly threw him his bloody tshirt, to which he caught. He shoved the sleeve in his mouth and bit hard on it, and with a scowl on his face he have you the thumbs up.

You had to admit, that was so brave. He was actually quite manly.

Wait, what.

No! What were you thinking?! You shook your head, looking away from his face and toward the wound you needed to work on. With shaky hands, you brought the needle to the shoulder wound, stoping a few inches away.
"I know your still not fully human, but this is probably going to hurt like hell." You warned.

Seconds later, when you'd managed to steady your hands, you threaded the needle into his skin. The feeling of the tender, almost human feeling skin being punctured made you feel sick, but you kept on going. Chucky bit even harder down on the sleeve, his face scrunching up to the pain.

You did the first thread, and tied a sturdy knot. The last thing you wanted was the stitching the fall apart. Then you proceeded to sew, weaving in and out of the skin with full concentration. That is, until Chucky held tight onto your arm with one of his hands. His grip was so tight that it was leaving bruises on your arm, and you thought something was wrong. But by the look on his face, he just needed something to hold.

"How are you holding up?" You asked with a needle in your hand. You weren't even sure if you were doing it right- the stitching could be too deep or too close to the skins surface. Hell if you know, you aren't a doctor.

Chucky smiled through his tshirt sleeve and gave you a little wink. You couldn't help it but you felt your cheeks flush a light red, so you looked away not wanting to know if he'd noticed or not.

You returned your concentration to the stitching. It actually took 12 stitches overall, and the job didn't look too messy. The gap between the stitching wasn't all even, but it was decent. And even better, the blood had seemed to stop, so you'd successfully closed the wound.

"It's done" you informed the doll, who instantly spat the sleeve out of his mouth. He looked drained and unusually pale.
"Hey, are you okay?"

He sat up on the table, then used his hands to get to his feet. He stood there, rubbing his head and wobbling on his legs. You watched with concern as he struggled to keep his balance. "Yeah, I think it's just blood loss" he explained. "I'll be fine."

Then he almost fell backwards on the table, but you caught hold of him by his waist and held him up securely. To be honest, he didn't really look fine.
"Are you sure?"

"Yeah, just a small headache" he shrugged with a reassuring smile, "I'll just sleep it off."

He didn't even need to ask before you lifted him up, being careful to avoid the closed, and probably sore, wound and carried him to the strangely clean room he'd shown you before. You took him over to the bed and pulled the White sheets down so he could lay there. You gently placed him on the bed.

"Jesus, you're like my own personal nurse." He laughed, "Not that I'm complaining. I'm fuckin loving it."

You smiled and shook your head at his antics as the doll laid down with his hands behind his back. You, despite knowing he was capable of doing it himself, brought the blanket over him to keep him warm. He didn't protest, but he certainly wanted to question your actions.

"What's with the first class treatment all of a sudden? I mean, earlier today you were tossing me around in a damn car."
He pointed out. The question took you by surprise, but you answered quickly.

"I guess it's to make up for what I did. I mean, I know I shouldn't be helping someone like you, but I never want to stab anyone." You explained. Chucky was hoping for something different as an answer, not some lame excuse, so he was a bit disappointed. He rolled over to the side, his back facing you.

"Come in" he muttered, almost inaudibley. You thought you'd misheard him, or perhaps misunderstood the random words. So you leaned in and softly asked, 'what?'

The doll shifted, his body more or less curled up like a cocoon. "Don't you need a place to sleep?" He asked, a little louder this time. You watched his body steadily pump up and down with little movement to indicate his breathing. It was actually very relaxing.
His tone wasn't sarcastic, or anything similar to that. It was like he was genuinely thinking about your needs, and you couldn't understand where this new attitude was coming from.

"It's okay, I'll sleep on the couch in the living room" you said, although you shuddered at the thought of that couch, remembering how rats came flooding out of there when Chucky touched it. "You stay in bed, okay?"

You sighed then, and stood up straight to exit the room, dreading the horrors in the couch that awaited you. However, the first step wasn't made before you felt a small hand grab tightly onto the end of your tshirt. You whipped your head around and glanced back at the bed, confused and startled. You were met with the rich blue eyes of the doll staring straight at you, clear even in the darkness of the night.

"Wait, stay" he said, this time with a clear and stable voice. Then he seemed to regret his choice as the grip on your shirt loosened. "I mean...uh...urgh, look, there's enough room in the bed for you and me...if you'd prefer a bed."
He actually scoffed at his own words, hating how he couldn't understand why he was being so kind to you.

You were pretty set back, that being one of the last things you'd expected from this guy. "Oh! Um, wow. I don't know."

"I'm not gonna do any weird shit, promise! I'll sleep as far away from you as I can, if you want." He promised, eyes concentrating hard on you. Now you were on the spot.

"Uh...okay. Sure" you agreed, trying to convince yourself it was okay. It was just a friendly gesture- nothing more and nothing less. Besides, it's a doll. He isn't anatomically correct, right? Surely it wasn't possible to actually develop male organs? Just thinking about you made you feel weird and heated.

The doll shuffled up across the bed until he was squashed right into he far corner, against the wall. You awkwardly slotted yourself into the open space under the sheets, still in your clothes. Taking them off and sleeping in the same bed as Chucky was not even an option to you, so you just laid uncomfortably in your daywear.

You turned over to see Chucky's back turned to you and he was pressed against the wall, presumably getting ready to doze of. There was no doubt that he was aching all over, especially his shoulder, at the time. "Hey Chucky" you whisper called.

"What?" Chucky whispered back, his body perfectly still.

"Thanks for the bed, I appreciate it."

The killer toy shifted his legs to bring them down from his chest. All you could see was the back of his ginger head, but you were betting that he was smiling. "Shut up, asshole." He mumbled.

You laughed off his insults, knowing now when and when not to take him seriously. You got comfortable, shut your eyes and tiredly whispered "Goodnight, Chucky"

There was no reply. He was already fast asleep.

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