Chapter 46- (Time Jump) Weddings

Start from the beginning

Loren wakes up and sees Eddie laying next to her naked. She reaches for her phone on the nightstand next to her and sees she has 20 new messages. 5 from Melissa and the rest from her mom.

Messages like...

"Where are you? We're about to leave for the honey moon!" -Nora

"Idk where u went Lo, but I hope ur ok."-Melissa

"Oooooo! Did you get some?! ;)"-Melissa

I'm leaving now. I guess I'll see you in a week Loren. :("-Nora

Loren thinks how upset she is with herself. She missed her mom because of Eddie. She feels awful. She sits up thinking and acting upset. Eddie wakes up and sits up and puts his arm around her.

Eddie: What's wrong babe?

Loren: I didn't get to say goodbye to my mom. She already left for the honeymoon.

Eddie: Aw, I'm sorry. I didn't know we were going to fall asleep like that. We were going to back down to the party when we were done.

Loren: I know... oh well, we have a 3 days in Hawaii together.

Eddie: *puts his hand on top of hers, resting on her leg* Yes, we do. *he smiles charmingly*

Loren gets up and starts to make breakfast while Eddie stays in the room and gets up to get dressed. He reaches down in his suitcase to grab a clean tank top, he pulls it up out of the bag and sees the velvet box fell out of the suitcase with it. He smiles and picks it up and opens it. He smiles at the thought of the moment he was going to propose to Loren. This ring was his mom's wedding ring. He didn't want any other ring because that ring was special. Special enough to have Loren wear it on her finger. He hearsoat, Loren call his name and he quickly shuts the box and puts it in his pocket, and heads out of the bedroom to eat with Loren.

Eddie: Hey baby. What'd you make?

Loren: Toast, eggs, and waffles.

Eddie: Yummy. I love when you cook. *he takes a bite of the toast and kisses Loren leaving a dot of butter on her cheek.*

Loren: *laughs and wipes it off and sits down at the counter with him.* So, what are we going to do today?

Eddie: Well of course, the beach. Then I set up a diving session for us. *he smiles* And of course we'll have a romantic dinner but I won't tell you where. *He winks*

Loren: Oh my gosh... I'm so excited! *finishes her last bite of food and puts it in the sink.* Well, I'm going to go get ready. I'll meet you out here in 15 minutes. *she smiles and kisses him*

Eddie: Alright princess.

Eddie waits for the sound of the bedroom door to click shut and he grabs his phone from the counter beside him. He calls Ian, then Jake, then his dad for guidance on his big proposal that night. He got all the feedback and everyone tells Eddie to go with it. So for Loren's sake, he calls one more person because he wants it on film for everyone to see. He calls Melissa.


Eddie: Hey Mel.

Melissa: Eddie! Wow, you never call me. What's up? Is Lo okay?!

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