"Guys~ I have a guest!"

All 12 of them turned their heads towards the you and the tall boy next to you. Some of them scowled, some were confuse that Mingyu brought a girl backstage, and the rest were excited to see you.

"Annyeong Y/N-ah!", DK smiled widely at you.

"Hi, Y/N", Minghao waved at you, kindly smiling.

"Hello Y/N-ah! I know you know who I am, so no need to introduce myself"

"Seungkwan!", S.Coups snapped. "Sorry that he appears rude", he quickly apologizes. You let out a small laugh, having a fun time watching Seungkwan and their leader bicker. You soon started to talk with some of them and at least half of them were happy that they got to meet you and forgot about all of the false rumors spread about you.

"Who are those guys, hyung?", Chani asked.

"I don't know, Chani. But if what Zuho said was true, then we better protect Y/N!", Youngbin declared, sticking up his pointer finger in triumph.

After spending time with them, you were ushered to the front of the venue, having the best place to watch them. You took out your phone and put it on V-Live because it turned out that they're also streaming it there.
Who knew that they were not only known throughout the school, but throughout Korea and some other countries too. They're pretty famous on YouTube for their amazing dancing, singing and rapping. You placed it back in your purse for SF9, allowing them to see the concert. Loud music blared through the speakers, then suddenly 4 boys started dancing. Soon after another 4 four started rapping and dancing with the others in sync, then the last five cane in singing and dancing. The short intro ended, and you and your friend cheered as loud as you two can along with the rest of the crowd.

"Say the name! Annyeonghasseo, we are Seventeen!", all thirteen boys greeted. You cheered again along with the rest of the crowd, then the concert began.

Your best friend an you were cheering for them, having the time of your lives while SF9 watched in awe. They thought that they were amazing, rapping , sing, dancing, everything. They even started to follow the dances that Seventeen did, proving to themselves that they can do it too.

"Thank you for your support! Please wait for us in the future!", S.Coups thanked the crowd before waving goodbye with the rest of the guys. Everyone cheered once more as they left the stage, pleased with the show. You went back stage again, congratulating all of them. Mingyu threw his sweaty arm over you shoulder, smiling.

"Thanks for coming, Y/N! It meant a lot to me and I'm sure the guys too", he nudged his head towards the rest of the guys. You smile, happy for them.

"Ugh...I can't believe this! That Mingyu guy has to get his arm off of Y/N!! She's not allowed to date yet!", Youngbin grunts. Out of all of the guys, Youngbin was the most upset that you were hanging out with a lot of guys.
Not because he was jealous, he was just being 'protective' of you.

After spending some time talking to Seventeen, you decided to head back home.

"Wait! I can walk you home. It's late and a lady shouldn't go home alone at this time", Mingyu offers. The other guys chorus in 'oohs' and 'Mingyu~!'. The tall boy snickers back at them, giving them an eyes saying, 'I'm gonna kill you when I get back'.

"WHAT?!", Youngbin screams. The others shush him, not wanting to get caught. You quickly look at your purse then back at Mingyu, wondering why Youngbin screamed. You hesitantly accepted Mingyu's offer, walking out with him into the night. It was silent as you two walked back to your house, the both of you not knowing what to talk about.

"Thanks for tonight. I had fun...", you trailed off after stopping in front of your house.

"Same", he scratched his head, awkward tension rising in the air.

"Well, see you on Monday", you broke the silence, heading inside.

"Wait!", Mingyu called. You turned around, looking at the him. "Maybe...I don't know...can I get your number? Like, you seem pretty cool", he looks down at his feet, a small blush creeping up on his face. You chuckle, walking back to him. You take out a pen and write down your number on his hand.

"You could've just put it in my phone", he laughs. You roll your eyes and head back inside, waving back at him. You run upstairs, closing the door behind you as you release the guys out of your bag. You sit down at your desk, watching the guys stumble to their beds.

"You all must be tired. I am too", you yawn, stretching. You smile at every one of them, but one of the boys can't sleep.

"What's wrong?", you ask Youngbin.

"Oh, nothing", he smiles at you, but it isn't genuine.

"Binnie, I don't want you to lie to me. It makes me sad", you pout. He gives in, not wanting you to be sad because he utterly hates it when you're not happy.

"It's just that Mingyu seems like he'll take you away from me because you might date him and I don't want you near any other guys besides the others! I don't want you to leave me!", Youngbin quickly explains, hiding under his blanket. You can't help but laugh at how fast he spoke and how embarrassed he his.

" 'Me'?", You raise a brow. Youngbin quickly pops his head out of the covers, shaking his head rapidly.

"No no no no no no! 'Us'! I meant 'us' not just me! I meant me and the other guys because they surely will miss you too and not just me because we all love you and-"

"Youngbin! I get it. Don't worry, I won't date him and I won't leave you guys", you chuckle.

"Really?", he looks up at you with wide eyes. "I-if you like him...then you can d-date him I guess but....", he looks down, playing with the end on his blanket. You smile warmly at him, ruffling his hair with your finger.

"Youngbin, he's just a friend, don't worry. And besides, no one can replace you", you sigh at the tiny boy.


"Yes Binnie, no one can replace you and I truly mean it. Now go to sleep, I'm going to wash up. Good night", you wave at him, grabbing your pajamas and walking out. Youngbin smiles widely, curling up in the blanket and feeling all warm inside.

"Thank you, Y/N", he mumbles, closing his eyes.


His eyes pop open, getting out of his tiny bed and running over to your phone.

Hi, Y/N! This is Mingyu. I really hope you know how much it meant to me that you came to the concert, it really meant the world to me. Your probably asleep, but just text back when you have the chance! Night, Y/N :)

Youngbin grimaces at the text.
Who does he think he is?, Youngbin glares at the message.  He opens up your phone, responding to his message.

Mingyu, this is Y/N's father. I don't appreciate you texting her this late at night

And send, he grins mischievously, smirking to himself.

This is going to be fun.


HELLO PEOPLE OF THIS WORLD! A Youngbin update...YUS! And thanks @pandaeno for requesting this! It was SUPER CUTE. Sorry if you wanted it to focus on ALL of the members but I wasn't feeling it and having Youngbin be a protective dad was something that I couldn't pass up. But if any of you guys want one focused on all of the members again, I can totally do that! Just comment right...

Anyways, SF9 Fighting!🎀

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