Quackity is not thott

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We continue we're we left of when quackity went to sleep, the next top of the  morning (y/n) is waiting at the bot stop but not for the bus but for paucity, quackity lifts up (y/n) in surprise little did quackity knew that his bands were on (y/n) beasts.

Little did quackity know that he actually picked up the wrong person it was mallory. Mallory let out a loud rawr xD "Quackity, Sendai, give me your vigirnity I lube your videos is huge fan, love me like you love (y/n)" quackity then drops Mallory on the floor next to the dog shit, Mallory is doing a smexi pose "it's okay baby least I got your heir I will add it to my collection, you're such a so sexy beast, please marry me please" Mallory fan girls, carl who was eating his French bread roughly known as the cosmonaut comes out of the bushes.

"M-Mallory how could you we were in a romantic relationship that was unbroken, you dirty thot" Carl cries, Mallory sighs in repsome  while still sitting on the floor, she then gets up and leaves. Carl's runs after her

Then (y/n) aka the special snowflake that is you. Walks up to quackity Smiling, "Well quackity what are we going to do today?" You smile "I known a place" quackity then grabs your hand and takes you into a forest that happens to be close to the bus spot.

"Wow I never noticed this before" you gazed in awe quackity then puts you on your back, I meant fuck he puts you and his back I don't care anymore fuck it, he then climbs up the largest tree and sits on you on the branch and he sits beside you "Wow quackity how did you climb that" you were impressed "Actually (y/n) there's something I have to tell you" you look at him worried "I'm actually not a duck, I'm actually a Isis vampire" "isn't twilight dead at this point?" You replied "okay then I'm a blonde that does vlogs and was Disney channel that is also from Isis" this made want to put a raincoat over your panties to keep them dry.

"(y/n) you mustn't tell anyone, only my quackers knows his" you nodded in agreement and you made out on the teee, how romantic. Meanwhile at Skool, soscripts and his gang were discussing the matters , then Jake spoke up saying "Let start a battle because (y/n) toop our seats" everyone nods in agreement. Everyone made weapons and flags n shut. They then marched out for nattle to beat the shit out of (y/n) and anyone who stood in their
Meanwhile at the forest quackity climb down the tree shitting you down on the grass. "Is quackity even your real name?" You ask "Mo it's to hide my identity, like the rest of my family" he said, quackity then sat you on his back again and jumped super high and banded in front of your house, "I love you quackity" you skiled "I love you Tod" he smiled back, you hugged In a long embrace and you went inside your house.

"Who was that?" Your dad said "My boyfriend" you replied "I forbid you for being Ina relationship with this man" He said in angery "Hut papa I fucced him" you cried "Go to your room" he yelled you ran up the stairs to your bed room and cried yourself to sleep.
How romantic.

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