Payback uncompletly complete

Start from the beginning

No sound from me,no tears. Nothing.

the next day

Monday,my favourite,going to school. Seeing him. Talking to him. Looking at him. Laughing with him. Working with him.


At lunch,we ate together and chated about some dumb things.
''Hey Nagisa,you okay?? You seem thinner and you are more pale that unsual,are you really-''
''I'm fine,I'm fine Karma.''
He wanted to say something but the bell rang so we had to go to the classroom.

Karmas P.O.V
I don't believe him,nor trust him. Something had happened to him.
But what?

I decided,I'll follow him home and find out.
No,I have to find out. I don't want to lose him,he is my one and only true best friend,and my first and last love. If I lose him...I can't go on. Nagisa,he,is the one who gave me the feeling I always lasted and longed for. Even if he doesn't love me,I will stay by his side,thats enough to me.

End of the classes-evning

I saw Nagisa walking away from the mountain,going home.
Are you asking me what did he say to me?
''Goodbye Karma,be careful.''
It was different,he said something like this for the first time.

I was scared

The thought of losing him wasn't getting out my mind,it was tearing me apart.

'What if I lose him?'

'What if something happens?'

'What if...someone is in the house?'

It was all ''what if'',to all these questions there was only one answer.

I'll try my best,I'll protect him,save him and live on. If I lose him,I will die the moment I do. There is no happines without Nagisa in my life.

What a long answer.
Will the truth be cruel again or will it be on our side?
God,if you take him,take me as well.

After a 15 minutes long walk,he and I since I'm...stalking him? No no,I'm just following him.
He entered the house and I sneaked to the window.

There one..?
Only Nagisa.

It gave me the chills....

After some minutes that lasted like hours to me,I decided to go into the house.
There is no other choice.

Luckyly the door was unlocked,I entered the house and searched for Nagisa.
Not in the living room.
Not in the kitchen.
Not in the bedroom.
Not in the other bedroom.
Not in the bathroom.
Not in the basement.

Where is he!?
I ran up the stairs and slipped.
I was expecting to be hit against the wall but it really suprised me when I got through white doors...leading was dark.
So the doors were made on the wall,the same color so no one can notice and see. But why..?


I ran down the long dark hallway at full speed. I bumped against a door. A old heavy wooden door.
The frick?
Is this a horror game....
It is
I wanted to open it but stoped hearing choking from the other side...(HELLO FROM THE OTHER SIIIIIIIDE)...could it be...shit!!
I opened the door and saw Nagisa...choking from the rope around his neck,hanging from the celling. He was still alive!!
I ran and held his legs up so he could breathe.
On his neck was a purple bruise now,from the rope.
He choked and regained his breath. He looked down at me with a...suprised face?
''Karma!? What are you-How!?''
''Nagisa,don't try this ever again.''

Nagisas P.O.V
How did he find me? Why..?
I heard him...sob...
Is this really happening?
The one and only,the great Akabane Karma is crying.
Because of a no one like me.
''Nagisa,don't try this ever again.''
''Karma,why did you-''
''Because I love you!!''

'What the fazz?'

''Karma are you jo-''
''No I'm not.''
''Now get that off your neck so I can get you down.''

I did as he said and he putted me down on the floor.
How did he even find me?
''Nagisa,tell me everything.''

I told him everything. And it feeled like I was feeling better and that the weight on my shoulders was gone.
'' could she..? Nagisa,you have to get out of here.''
''No buts. Now lets go and pack your things.'',no. Not that scary look..

We packed my things and got to Karmas house. Luck was on our side. Thank God.

We called the police.

'I didn't do it at the end.'

I was...glad. That reminds me...

I walked up to him and hugged him from behind.

''I love you.''
''I love you too.''

Payment uncompletly complete

Hi guuuuuys~~~
Sorry for the late update. Having my problems and all that shit. You know.
I really hope you enjoyed it.
I already have a request for the next chapter but you can write in the comments and I'll write it. If I forget a request tell me.

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