Day 5- evaluation

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However after a few more slow strokes, Jungkook suddenly notices the young boys face scrunch up in pain when he takes an breath. He stops his stroke immediately and tries to reach for the bottom.

Taehyung is still in the deep end so when he tries to touch the bottom, he just sinks under water, his pull-boy floating out from between his legs.

Jungkook watches him sink underwater and suddenly his eyes widen. He looks from Namjoon who's looking at his sheet, to Lisa who's looking back at him with the same expression.

They stare at the spot Taehyung went under water at for a few seconds, hoping he'll come back up before Jungkook has to go and save him.

He does pop up after 5 seconds, and Jungkook is relived for one second, until he notices the pain on the boys face.

", my leg..." Taehyung lets out a pained cry, not loud enough for many to hear but Jungkook can hear every strangled word the boy says.

Something's wrong with him and he needs help. He splashes around in the water, one hand clutching his upper thigh. His eyes dart over to Jungkook and they call for help.

Without any hesitation, Jungkook takes off his sunglasses and runs to the other side of the pool where Taehyung is closest to.

Namjoon looks up from his paper when he spots the lifeguard anxiously running. His eyes widen suddenly when he notices one of Jungkook's swimmer currently splashing aggressively in the water and calling for help. He puts down his clipboard and alerts the other lifeguards surrounding him.

Most of the swimmers in lane 6 have now stopped what their doing as they watch Jungkook reach the other side of the pool and dive into the deeper water.

Taehyung continues to clutch his leg with one hand, trying to hold his body up in the water with the other.

Jungkook swims quickly over to the boy, reaching him in pure panic. He gets there pretty quickly though, close enough distance to hear Taehyung groan.

"Taehyung what's wrong?" Jungkook asks breathlessly once he reaches the struggling boy.

"My leg... it cramped up and it really hurts for some reason." He says, a few tears leaving his squinting eyes as he talks to Jungkook.

Jungkook quickly nods before pulling the younger boy back first onto Jungkook's chest and doing eggbeater back to the wall he came from.

He holds Taehyung tightly to his chest with his left arm while his right arm pulls through the water to get to the wall.

Many swimmers have now stopped swimming to watch the scene play out, even Namjoon watches with wide eyes as the boy does the procedure. No one is panicked because Taehyung isn't yelling anymore but just crying from the pain of his leg cramp.

Even Jungkook tries to stay calm, when in reality he feels so scared and nervous for the boy. Even though it's just a cramp.

"It's going to be okay Tae." Jungkook says calmly, fighting his grip around the boys body as he continues to make his way to the side. Once he reaches the wall, he calls over another lifeguard to help.

Of course, Lisa is already there, getting ready to help pull the boy out of the water. Once Jungkook gets Taehyung into a better position, him and Lisa count to three before lifting him out of the water and onto the cement surrounding the pool.

"What's going on?" Lisa asks to both Taehyung and Jungkook. Jungkook looks to the boy who's clutching his thigh and crying. He decides to speak for him.

"He has a leg cramp, I can deal with it. Make sure the other swimmers continue the set and keep an eye on them. You can decrease it to kick instead of pull." Jungkook says to Lisa all in one sentence and she nods before standing up and rushing back to the lane.

Jungkook crouches next to Taehyung, who sits with his one leg sticking out, his hand still on the place that hurts.

"Is it just there that hurts?" Jungkook asks the boy who hiccups from crying.

He nods, not looking at Jungkook but rather his leg.

"Hey, look at me." Jungkook says to Taehyung who hiccups again. He slowly looks up at Jungkook with a pained face that makes Jungkook feel sad.

"I'm going to help you." Jungkook says and Taehyung just nods and looks back down.

Jungkook follows procedure and he suddenly takes a seat next to Taehyung and gently takes his hand away from his thigh.

Then he slowly grabs the younger boys leg and sets it down on Jungkook's lap, creating a blush from the younger.

"The only way to get rid of a cramp is to massage it out. Is that okay with you?" Jungkook asks Taehyung, his hands just ghosting over Taehyung's thigh that rests on his lap.

"Yeah." Taehyung says quietly, his eyes still watery.

With the okay, Jungkook with both hands, begins to massage the boys upper thigh. His thumbs dig deep into Taehyung's muscle and the boy gasps a little when Jungkook finds where the pain is.

"O..ouch that's where the cramp is." Taehyung looks up with pain on his face. Jungkook locks his eyes with Taehyung's while continuing to massage the specific spot.

"Just a little bit longer and it'll be gone." Jungkook says before looking back down at Taehyung's meaty thigh.

Jungkook looks over to lane 6, noticing that his swimmers have continued to swim with Lisa at watch. However he suddenly remember that he was accompanied by Namjoon, who was indeed evaluating him.

And now, Namjoon is no longer in sight. Jungkook worries a little, realizing just now how badly he did during this practise. It was the worst practise they've ever had and it was all his fault. He saw a few of his swimmers skip laps. He pushed his swimmers too hard. Even when he knew some couldn't do it. Taehyung couldn't do it.

Section Finals was really hard today whoof...

Uh oh... what's gonna happen to Jungkook and his evaluation!!!

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