A Whole New Leni

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"...and so princess Elenor was carried off by her handsome prince and they lived happily ever after. The end."

Leni shut the book of fairy tales and placed it on the shelf. Lola tucked herself under the covers and closed her eyes.

"Thanks Leni." She said "You're the best at storytelling."

"Aw, that's so sweet."

"Of the girls of course. I still prefer Daddy or Lincoln." Lola yawned. "but they were both busy."

Leni smiled down at her younger sister. 

Leni Loud lived in a big family with ten other siblings. She herself was the second oldest and although she wasn't as smart or strong as her other siblings she had a love of shopping and making things beautiful.

"Well goodni-"

The door came crashing in with a loud thud. Lola bolted out of bed a yelp and ripped off her eye covering. Standing at the door was Lana, Lola's messy twin.

"Guys! You won't believe this!"

"Lana!! YOU RUINED STORY TIME!!!! You have approximatly TWO SECONDS to close that door, before I rip off these sheets off and MANGLE YOU!!!"

"Lily's throwing her ball with one hand."

It will never be known the exact amount of time it takes for Lola Loud to switch from raging demon to cutie-patootie, but Lisa Louds best estimate is 0.02 seconds.

"Squeeeeeeeee!! Let me see! Let me see!" both Lola and Leni cried as they rushed out of the room and followed Lana downstairs.  

"That's it Lily! Come on! You can do it!"

The ten loud siblings crowded around the living room with anticipation. Their youngest sister Lily, who was only 15 months old, was about reach an important milestone. Her very first pitch. Not throw. Pitch.

It started in the afternoon with Lynn rolling a ball to her sister and back. This eventually led to lily tossing the ball underhanded as was usually the case, but then, Lily suddenly stood up and hucked the ball as hard as she could with one hand and to Lynns surprise, the ball was almost perfectly centered and hit her right in the chin. If she had been standing, the ball would have landed in her hands. 

five minutes later, the whole family had camera's out, waiting to see if baby lily was going to throw the ball again.

"Come on Lily! Pitch it right down the center!" cried Lynn (The sports nut) "I'm ready for ya!"

Lily looked around at her family. Why had such a fun game of ball become so loud? Why was everyone staring? Oh well.

Lily looked at her big sister, pulled her arms over her head, the family gasped with excitement,  Lily let one hand free and delivered a tiny single handed baseball pitch right into Lynns hands. The whole family went nuts.

"Yes!!! I knew it!!! I knew it!!! She's an athlete! Boo Ya!" Sang Lynn as she danced around with victory. Lily mimiced her sister by wiggling her bottom and babbling with glee. 

"Hey Lily! Toss one to me." Cried Lana.

"No me!" Cried Lola

Soon the entire hoard was begging for a game of catch.

"Kids! Kids! That's enough! Your going to overwhelm her if you keep this up." Interjected Rita loud. Who promptly scooped up Lily into her arms.

"Poo-poo" gurgled Lily

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 05, 2017 ⏰

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