~ BUT HA he thought

~ Erwin immediately stopped the guard and gave him the most threatening stare ever

~ the guard skedaddle out of there

~ Not before opening the cell of course

~ You didn't notice the exchange between guard and erwin since you were to worried for Eren

~ But the minute you entered the cell and had Eren in your arms trying to comfort him the best way you could

~ You turned towards Erwin and gave him a small smile thanking him for letting you be with Eren

~ Erwin was ShOoKkk

~ Levi tried to warn erwin about being romantically involved with someone while being in the survey corps

~ Erwin didn't listen though he was like " yeah, but like do you know where they live? " " Its for scientific purposes"

~ Fast Forward to Eren's Court Day

~ Your the first one there of course on the protecting eren side

~ Erwin is watching you like a hawk

~ Throughout the whole court you fell eyes on you but can't seem to pinpoint who exactly watching you

~ By the time the court is over you breathe in a sigh of relief knowing that Eren is safe for now

~ You know you can't stay and watch Eren especially due to being in the garrison so you decide to head back to work

~ As your leaving though a soldier comes up to you and ask you to follow him due to Commander Edwin's Order

~ Your confused but like okay ??

~ You get taken into this room and no one is there like hello ??

~ Your too busy in your own world that you don't notice Erwin slipping into the room

~ You snap back into reality when you feel someone put their hands on your shoulders

~ You turn and see Commander Erwin staring down at you and you get highkey intimidated

~ He start to smile at you though and you kinda relax a little but he still touching you so like you don't relax full way

~ He stares at you for a while till he finally speaks

~ " I'll like to offer you a deal "

~ You stare at him like WhAt ?

~ " You come with us to the castle so that way you can take care of Eren since he's so fond of you"

~ When he mentions Eren being fond of you he tightens his hold on you shoulders and it hurts ?

~ " if..... You become my assistant and join the survey corps"

~ Your ShOoKkK

~ Like what ? You want me to become your assistant and join the survey corps ?

~ "My skills aren't that good I'll die immediately out there" you say

~ Erwin just kinda stares at you again then blurs out something that make you kinda blush but still get chill up your spine

~  " There's no need for you to die I'll keep you close to me now forever"

~ He kinda has this weird look on his face and his eyes portray this emotion but you can't quiet pinpoint what it is

~ But either way you agree since you vowed to keep Eren safe for Carla so thats what you plan on doing

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