Part 2:Dramtic date

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Peggy and John have been writing to each other for 3 weeks, they were going to go on a date to the park. Peggy was getting dressed into a yellow dress and done her hair, she then went downstairs and waited for the doorbell to ring, After 5 minuets waiting the bell went and Peggy jumped up and opened the door and jumped into Johns arms, "Hello!" she shouts happily as John smiles and spins Peggy around. Eliza then runs out and hugs Alexander and Angelica just walked out and shut the door and stood in-between Hercules and Laf hooking arms with them they started to walk to the park and they sat at the lake on the lake there was 3 tied up rowing boats "So I bought some boats for a boat ride in the lake"John says happily "is it safe?" Peggy asks nervously knowing she cant swim, "Of course it is my love"John says pulling Peggy up off the floor, the lake was very very deep so if she did fall it would be terrible, John lead Peggy to a boat and helped her in before he gets in and pushes away from the dock, John started to row they got to the middle of the lake before Hercules, Lafayette and Angelica joins them then Eliza and Alexander. They all sat in the middle of the lake, Angelica, Lafayette and Hercules having a friendly conversation, Eliza and Alexander flirting with each other and Peggy and John having a romantic moment before there's a bang and Peggy faints and falls out the boat and there boat tips causing John to fall in also. John swam to the top of the water and laughed before looking for Peggy "JOHN I SEE SOME YELLOW AT THE BOTTOM OF THE LAKE" Lafayette shouts before John gasps and quickly swims to the bottom of the water grabbing Peggy and pulling her up and then pushing her onto the grass at the side of the lake.

John, Lafayette, Hercules, Alexander, Angelica and Eliza quickly get on the grass next to Peggy. John ripped Peggy's corset off and gives her mouth to mouth, she soon woke up and coughed up water and a lot of it. After 5 minutes of coughing, she lightly smiled "I forgot to say I cant swim" Peggy says lightly laughing before John scooped Peggy up in his arms "you had me terrified" he says kissing her forehead, " You're freezing and its going to snow"John says hugging her as it starts to snow "ill be fine don't worry dear I can head home" Peggy smiles lightly as John nods and puts her down as they started walking back to her house once they got there Peggy said goodbye to John and she went in her house with Angelica and Eliza after 10 minutes of being in her home Peggy fainted. Her father, mother and sisters rushed to her before realising she was ill, they put her on her bed as Angelica runs to get a doctor after 30 minutes a doctor arrived and checked Peggy "she has a very bad fever "the doctor said placing some ice in a bag on her forehead "she should heal herself but if it gets worse she may pass" he says before leaving the house

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