
We leave the ride and grab something to eat. Soon enough we finish and head back to our room to get ready for the beach.

"Barry today has been so great so far" She says pulling me to her lips once again

This girl will be the death of me, every time she kisses me i can feel my heart practically beating out of my chest.

"I love you" I say to her still holding her close

"I love you to. How about we skip the beach today and spend some time in here?" She suggests

"I love that idea" I say kissing her again i

A few hours later...

"Cait thank you for being here for me while i was dealing with the Wells thing. It's been really hard for me to deal with, and the only way i could do this was because of you" I said to her as we are wrapped up in each other's arms

"I will always be here for you Barry" She says back

I give her one last kiss before getting up

"We have to get ready for dinner. I want to make most of our trip, and that includes taking you out" I tell her

"Okay i will get dressed" She says getting up and grabbing her clothes out of her suitcase

She walks into the bathroom to get dressed. I get ready within a minute, it really helps having super speed sometimes. After about 10 minutes of waiting Caitlin finally comes out of the bathroom, she is wearing a short black cocktail dress.

"Damn my girlfriend is gorgeous" I say kissing her cheek

"Thank you" She replies blushing

"You ready to go?"


S.T.A.R labs...

Cisco's POV

So far today has been filled with nervousness whenever he has been around, i was finally been able to take a look at the recording devices. I left early today and i wanted him to have a chance to be alone with his thoughts. I came back late tonight so i could listen for anything. Caitlin and Barry are supposed to be back tomorrow and I'm really hoping to tell them some good news. I accessed the recording from the time vault and began to listen to it.

"I feel tension coming from the others. I know they act weird whenever i am around and i can't pin point why? Gideon please pull up a new entry for today...they aren't smart enough to figure anything out. I will help Mr.Allen until his untimely death and then i will be the fastest man alive. What he doesn't know is that i will be the cause of his death just like i was to his mother, none of this would be necessary if he didn't save himself all those years ago. I killed Nora Allen and next i will kill Barry Allen. Gideon add that to the file"

Oh my god! I need to call someone! Barry or Caitlin. I quickly dialed Barry's number expecting him to answer but nothing. I then call Caitlin cell but she seems to busy as well. Why aren't they answering!

Caitlin's POV

"Barry did you make sure your phone was off?" I ask sitting across the table from him

"Yes. We agreed to keep our phones off so we can focus on each other, Whoever calls us it probably wouldn't be that important. This is important" He says grabbing my hand

"I am glad we did this"

"I am too, if i haven't said it yet....you look so beautiful. but you always look beautiful" He compliments

"Barry can you tell me about the first time you realized that you felt something towards me?' I asked him

"Well my feelings started the minute i saw you walk into that bar with that black dress on. At the time i didn't realize that i was having romantic feelings, all i knew is that i felt something. But when i found out Hannibal Bates kissed you i felt...so much anger and jealousy. I was so upset that he got to experience something that i wanted, That kiss was when i realized that i loved you and that i was always gonna love you. I wish i realized it sooner" He finishes

As i listened to his story i felt the tear running down my face. I never knew he felt this for so long, i wish we both realized our feelings sooner.

"I love you so much Barry. I wish i realized my feelings sooner as well" I said squeezing his hand

"I love you too. And i am glad i got stuck by lightning because that led me to you" He says reaching over to kiss me on the head

"Let's order....i am getting hungry" I say just as the waiter comes over

At S.T.A.R labs...

"Barry this is the last message I'm going to leave you. I understand that your busy with your girlfriend...which i know you have by the way. I have important news and you really need to call me back!" I yelled that last part into the phone

Neither Barry or Caitlin have been answering there phones. I might as well listen to the recording again. I hit play and as I'm listening i get startled by someone.

"Cisco what are you listening to?" A voice from behind says

Uh Oh!

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