The Lonely Road Is Very Short

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Ella shot upwards, only to smack her head against something hard.

"Ow!" That something hard exclaimed. Rubbing her forehead, Ella squinted against the light in the room. "What is your skull made of? Vibranium?"

The very hard something was very angry.

When Ella finally managed to get used to the light, she saw no people in the room, only a suit of armor, a red and gold suit of armor.

'Holy crap, Iron Man's in my apartment' was the only coherent thought she could manage. She jumped out of her bed (well, not jumping. She tried that once and almost fell through the floor).

"I am so sorry, Mr. Stark. I didn't know you were there," she apologized. Why was he there? Why was he here?  Why was she unconscious? Then she remembered; Clint Barton on her doorstep, the Avengers Initiative, Isaiah...Veronica. Her face fell at the memory of the death of her friend.

"I could feel your head through my suit. How is that possible?"

"Quit whining, Stark," a female voice snapped. Ella forgot to breathe again when the Black Widow strutted into her room, her red hair blowing behind her. How did she manage that with no windows open in her room? Superhero physics, Ella presumed.

"Ms Romanoff." Ella didn't know whether to bow or curtsy or flat out fall on her face in reverence. This was her hero, this was the woman Ella aspired to be, day in and day out, and she was standing in her bedroom. She became uncomfortably aware of how dirty her bedroom was. "I, uh, I don't mean to be rude, but this isn't really the best time to have superheroes in my bedroom."

Natasha smiled, a dazzling, beautiful smile. Ella almost fainted again.

"You must be confused as to why we are here," she said. Ella nodded. "Barton told you that we want to talk about-"

"The Avengers Initiative." Stark interrupted. "I wanted to come since I was the one that found you, but apparently, I'm 'too flashy and would attract too much attention'."

Natasha glared at the talking suit of armor, arms crossed. She looked back at Ella once he was quiet.

"We were informed by the authorities that there was an enhanced human living in these parts. We did some digging-"

"I did some digging."

"- and we found you. We were weary on bringing you into the loop, being a kid and all-"

"I'm sorry, Ms Ramonoff. I'm not a child. I am 21 years old. And I've been through a lot," Ella interjected. Natasha chuckled, crossing her arms.

"We know that. That's why we sent Barton for you. He's good with recruitment and he's got the kindest face out of all of us," she said. Ella sat back on her bed.

"I'm confused. If Barton was the one to recruit me, why are you all here?"

"When you passed out, he called us and we thought it would best if you heard it from all of us."

"All of you? You mean to tell me that all of the Avengers are in my apartment right now?" Natasha looked at Tony and nodded.

ELLA -P. Maximoff-Where stories live. Discover now