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"Thank you so much for saving us!" Youngbin bowed at the boy. The boy did not react because he couldn't understand what he was saying.

"Sir says thank you." Inseong quickly translated. Luckily, the boy knew what Inseong was saying and gave a small nod. Before Inseong and Youngbin could say anything else, however, the younger had already sprinted off, far away into the black alleyway nearby.

Youngbin could not take his eyes off the boy as he felt like his image of him sparked some long lost memory hidden in his mind. They couldn't do anything in the end because there was no way of contacting the long gone boy.

"Inseong, don't you think he looked familiar?" Questioned Youngbin.

"No. Not at all." Said Inseong.

In hopes of avoiding another dramatic event, the two men called a taxi back to the hotel instead of travelling by foot or train.

"Youngbin, we've got to be more careful next time. I wouldn't want this to happen again." Inseong shuddered.

"Uhh...yeah..." Youngbin mumbled. He wasn't thinking straight since his mind was occupied with the boy which saved them earlier. "Inseong, I think I'll sleep early today."

"Same here, I am mentally exhausted after today. We're going to leave in two days, so have a think about what else you might want to do in London."


Their conversation ended at that and they prepared to sleep. Both crawled into their beds. Instead of sleeping, Youngbin was wide awake, thinking about the mysterious boy.

By morning, Youngbin only managed to catch 3 hours of sleep. This didn't manage stop him from touring the rest of London with Inseong though.

Over the next two days, they visited many other parts of London. The place Youngbin liked the most was the Tower Bridge. He was fascinated whenever the middle split, allowing the tall ships to pass. He also enjoyed the river cruise as it was a fun but easy way to see all the landmarks in one go. Buckingham Palace was one of Inseong's favourites since he thought the beefeaters guarding the place looked 'cool'.

On the last day, the two had packed and were ready to leave for the airport. They rode in the same car which took them to the hotel and office.

The ride was smooth and Youngbin was in the back watching the roads through the window. As he looked, he noticed a familiar face.

That boy.

The boy which saved them.

He told the driver to stop and he rapidly pulled on the door handle. He ran towards the boy and saw that he was bleeding. A wound was located on his right side and he was curled up in a foetus position. Youngbin reacted fast and put his handkerchief to the wound applying pressure to try and stop the bleeding. He told Inseong to call the ambulance and they went to the hospital.

"Who is the guardian of this child?" The doctor asked as the boy was in surgery. Inseong relayed this to Youngbin.

"I am." Said Youngbin. Inseong was shocked to hear him say that and gave him a glare as if to say 'what are you doing!'.

"Well we are happy to say he will be fine but he must be in bed for two days."

Youngbin quietly asked Inseong to translate for him.

"Sorry my friend here does not speak English." Inseong told the doctor.

"Ah yes. I see. Well that is all I have to say. The surgery will be done in an hour or two." And with that, the doctor left.

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