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"Cmon smallest shitbag can't you at least lift 20 pounds?" I glance over at Nugget and Reznik. Reznik is scolding the little boy for not being able to lift enough weights. Right now she's  having us lift weights and it's quite easy... for most of us. Nugget is having some troubles as I've already explained and Poundcake can't figure out how to lift them correctly. And Flint is just trying to impress me for some unknown reason. I'm seriously about to throw the weight in my hand at his head.

Flintstone walks past me flexing. "Private Flintstone what the fuck are you doing?!" Reznik barks. She stands with her hand on her hip waiting for an answer from the now red faced Flint. "Can you talk ; or are you gonna go all mute like Poundcake?" Reznik once again questions Flint. God, such an idiot

If you're not sure which idiot I'm talking about I'm talking about both. Reznik and Flint. "I-I was going to get another weight." Flint nervously says looking around the room.

"Well it seemed like you were trying to impress Slick but go on. Grab some more weights, fail to impress her again." Reznik says with a smile. I raise an eyebrow and glance over at Ringer. She just has her lips pressed in a firm line gently nodding. She seems to be very observant. Doesn't really get involved in issues much. Just watches.

Flint reaches the weight rack and picks up a 50 pound weight for each hand and is about to walk back when Reznik interrupts. "What are you doing?! Grab two 70 pounders," when Flint gives her a confused look he says "If you're Neanderthal peanut brain can't process that I want you to lift 140 pounds." She says in a teasing voice as if she were talking to Nugget. Flint slowly turns and gets two 70 pound weights. He walks back to his position with them in his arms and bends his arms so the silver weights come up beside his face. When Reznik sees this isn't much of a challenge for the 'Neanderthal with a peanut brain' as Reznik refers to him, she gets two more 70 pound weights and walks over to Dumbo.

"Alright elephant ears, your turn." She says as she hands Dumbo the weights. Dumbo takes the first one in his hand fine but as soon as he picks up the second one he's struggling not to drop them, he has his shoulders slouched and knees bent. Reznik raised her eyebrows as if to say hurry your ass up and lift already Dumbo takes a deep breath and straightens his back. With shaky hands he lifts his elbows halfway up to his face and drops them back down to his sides, breathing heavily.

Reznik sighs "Back to barracks meatheads"


By the time we get back to barracks we have about an hour and a half before we go rock climbing. I don't know why Reznik chose rock climbing. Then again she also probably doesn't have a fully functional brain because she seems pretty dumb.

"I'm headed to the training room." I declare as I'm leaving barracks 10. Part of me is wishing that someone would come with me because it distracts me from thinking. Most often when I think I turn back into her. But the other part of me is wishing that someone wouldn't come because it gives me time to think. Alone time. Quiet time. Well... nothing's really quiet anymore. Even when no ones near you you can hear constant screaming.
A quiet, silent,constant scream.

When I'm in the hallway I hear footsteps on the wooden floor of the barracks. I slowly walk while looking over my shoulder to the barracks because they seemed to be getting close to the door.  I see Zombie come out of the doorway. When he sees me looking back at him the corners of his pink lips slightly turn upward. He looks, amused. I'm probably looking too long, God that sounds wrong, I bite my lip and look ahed of me.


Once we're in the training room I step onto the mats, deciding whether to sit down or actually train. I tend to slack off when someone else is in the room. It's not good but I don't care. It's an alien freaking invasion. I'm gonna do what I want. I look up from the black combat boots were forced to wear and see Zombies dark eyes looking at me. I hold this awkward eye contact with him for a while before breaking it. He has this look in eyes. He seems to be deep in thought or something. I don't know I'm not a fucking mind reader.

I sigh and sit down on the mats. I probably didn't mention this but, it's late. So I have to sit weird or lay down. I just choose to sit normal. If Zombies looking at me in that way that's not my issue. Zombie waits a few seconds then all of a sudden does a little forwards roll thing before sitting down making me laugh. He's staring at me with this stupid grin on his face. He has perfect teeth. He probably thinks I'm checking him out. I'm not. I look away still smiling.

"So, what's up?" Zombie says as if we're two friends talking at the playground at school. No Zombie. It's a fucking alien invasion.

"I don't know just aliens trying to kill us." I say sarcastically. The corners of his lips turn upwards slightly and he runs his fingers through his hair. He reminds me of my boyfriend, well ex. I guess. Seeing as he's dead. He got wiped out by the sickness. It was as that point I realized that I've officially became heartless. When I got the news that he'd died. I didn't shed a single tear. I looked straight ahed. And said "it was bound to happen sometime."

"Is there something on my face?" Zombie asks me.

"Huh..?" I must have zoned out. Dammit.

"You were kinda staring at me."

"Oh.. sorry I was.. thinking." I say. I bite my lip and look down at the laces of my boots. I start fidgeting with them, tying them into knots and twisting them.

"I miss football." I look up to Zombie with a slightly confused look on my face. Then just sigh and look back down at my laces.

"Football star eh?"i say while trying to undo a big tight knot I made.

He slightly laughs "Yeah, captain of the team actually."

Now it's my turn to slightly laugh. I smile because it reminds me of one of my best friends. The one that I didn't have to murder.

I bite my lower lip and look up to see Zombie already looking at me with a slight grin. "What?" I say.

"Nothing it's just..."

"Spit it out"

"The way you bite your lip all the time is kind of..."

I cut him off before he finishes "Don't you dare say it's sexy or something."

"I-I wasn't going to.. I was going to say it's kind of attractive but that works too!" He finishes off his sentence playfully so I roll my eyes.

That happened :)

Ok so yeah. I have some ideas but I really need you guys to keep reading! I can't get feedback/ there's no point of writing if I have no readers!


Thrive- The 5th Wave(Ben Parish)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora