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Boe-Boe perched on his bed, stripped bare, grinning ravenously with lust in the dim lighting of the room. His eyes were centered on Arie. Arie fondled her paws nervously, hesitating to take off her clothes. Boe-Boe excreted a low growl from deep inside his esophagus. He revealed his pistol and poised it at Arie. Arie widened her eyes in shock at the sight of it.

"Do it, or I'll fuckin' shoot." Boe-Boe hissed.

Arie winced, but she stood in front of Boe-Boe and began stripping herself. She unclasped her bra, and flung it aside, revealing her large violet tits. Boe-Boe gazed at her jiggling breasts as she proceeded to take her panties off. Soon, her panties lay on the floor, fully exposing her perfect vagina. Arie climbed on the bed and sat in front of Boe-Boe, waiting expectantly for his next command. Boe-Boe sprawled onto Arie, shoving her delicate body firmly onto the mattress. Boe-Boe took out a rope and tied Arie's forepaws together, as well as her legs. She was restricted from freely moving her arms and legs, so now she was thrashing furiously like an upturned rattlesnake.

Boe-Boe got hold of her, and grabbed her boobs, squeezing them hard. He then gnawed each of her nipples in a slow fashion. Arie moaned loudly, as her thrashing began to subside a bit. Boe-Boe held Arie down and began to shove her inside the urethral opening of his erect cock. Arie yelped, and flailed harder, trying to loosen his grip on her.

"Stop moving, bitch!" Boe-Boe barked in frustration.

Despite her desperate flailing, it was obsolete against his hardened grip. She was submerged up to her knees at this point, feeling warm sticky semen envelope her feet and calves. She felt herself being pushed deeper, and deeper, feeling Boe-Boe's cum slide up her waist, and up to her breasts. Arie's loud moans rang with pure pleasure as she surrendered submissively, relaxing her tensed muscles. She began to indulge the wetness that engulfed her. She was now neck deep into Boe-Boe's cock. His dick bulged as the rest of her body slipped inside of it.

Boe-Boe purred, stroking his penis in utter satisfaction. Boe-Boe started to pant heavily, as he felt Arie squirm inside of him. Her moans were muffled, but Boe-Boe could still hear them. After several minutes, Boe-Boe could feel Arie deliberately turning into cum. Boe-Boe yowled. It was sort of painful for his cock to digest something so large. After minutes of painful churning, jizz started to trickle out of his enlarged cock. His cock stopped excreting semen for a moment, but then an enormous deluge of cum poured out into the open. Boe-Boe grinned.

"That must be you, Arie.~" Boe-Boe purred. Boe-Boe's dick shrank back to its normal size, leaving Boe-Boe dissatisfied. The huge puddle of cum started to take form. After a few twists and gargles, The puddle of semen turned back into Arie. Arie sighed and plopped onto the bed, still bound.

"Not bad for your first time," Boe-Boe breathed.



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⏰ Last updated: Jul 29, 2017 ⏰

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