Finding the 'Real' Stacy and being 'Special'

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"What?" both Stacy and I asked.

"A Zygon." he said, "A shape shifting alien. No time to explain. You should get out of here, I'll take care of her."

Stacy looked about as surprised as I did. I didn't like her but I wasn't about to let some madman with a thing that goes 'ding' 'take care of her'.

"What's that supposed to mean." Stacy asked.

"Take care of her how?" I added

"What's going on? Who are you?" Alex asked, finally joining the conversation.

"Aggh. I don't have time for explanations."The man said in annoyance,"Think. Has she been acting different lately or strange in any way?"

I thought about this and decided to believe him, he seemed to think that it was important.

"I believe you." I spoke up.

"Really?!" Alex said," this guy comes up to the door talking about Zygans and aliens and taking care of Stacy, and you believe him?!" he seemed very mad at me right now. I guess he had a right to, he didn't like Stacy either but just like me I don't think that he wanted her 'taken care of'.

"Zygons not Zygans." the man said.

"Seriously, you're considering this? This man is clearly insane." Stacy said in terror and surprise. I turned towards Alex and Stacy and said,"Oh come on. I'm not evil." I turned back to the man and continued, "you have to prove that you're telling the truth first."

"How am I supposed to do that?"

"Well, I don't know! You know more than I do. I'm just assuming that in order to maintain its cover it would need to have the original person still alive." I was just basing all of this off of things that you see in sci-fi movies but I hoped that it would be true here too, otherwise I had no idea how he could prove it.

The man seemed to be thinking about this. "You're right, the Zygons do need the person to stay alive, which is good news for the real person I guess. Any idea where the real one would be hidden though?"

Stacy maintained her look of confusion through all of this. If she was a Zygon, she was really good at pretending to be human.

"I don't have to stay here for this crazy talk. I'm going home." She said as she pushed the man out of her way and marched off down the hallway out of the building. The man started to run after her but I pulled him back.

"What are you doing? We're going to loose her." He said, clearly annoyed that I had pulled him back. "She could easily go back and change into anybody now!"

"Sorry." I replied.

Then Alex suggested how we could find out if she was ever a Zygon at all, " I know where Stacy, the real Stacy, could be." The man and I both turned our attention back to Alex. "Well, I mean, If I were a Zygon and was trying to hide something like a person, I would hide them at home. Nobody could find her if she didn't let them in. We should go by and check her building."

"Yes! That's brillant, Allons-y!" He said as took of down the hallway. Alex and I  jogged down to the door and got there just as the man came back through the door, "Where does this person live anyway?"

After we told him we all took off as fast as we could in the direction of Stacy's flat. It's a good thing that I'm a good runner, otherwise I never would have been able to keep up with the man!

"So," I started," Who are you? Really, I mean because John Smith is definitely not it"

"I'm the Doctor. I'm a timelord from Gallifrey."

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