[14] Re-introducing Frank

Start from the beginning

"I don't want to go home." I spoke, well I wanted to make that clear, "I mean I don't want to go back to mum and dad not yet anyway."

"Okay g-gee. We won't go home."

"Then where?"

"W-we could always go and visit Ray, he's still a close friend of m-mine and he has a place w-we could stay at."

"Ray? Oh, I remember Ray. He had the afro and he was one of the few really nice people that I can remember."

"Y-yep! That's Ray. Shall w-we go there?"

I nodded.

"Okay then."

Mikey managed to release just one arm from our hug and shoved the keys into the ignition which made the car rumble and shake slightly. I wasn't going to let Mikey out of this hug easily, even if he was driving so I put the car into first gear and watched as Mikey smiled and allowed the car to move slowly.

I didn't even want to look at that place that I'd been trapped in for what felt like years. I didn't want to remember that place, the four white walls of Room H271, Liam, Creature: the list could go on. But I was too focused on hugging Mikey, jumping slightly when he'd tell me to change gear for him. It was like we were small kids again, one of sat in the front of the car with mum driving when she'd let us change the gears as she drove. But now it was my little brother driving and I'd never felt safer.

Street lamps and the occasional car flashed along the dark almost empty roads as we put more distance between it and me. It was then when I realised that it could only get better.


Sitting here I realise that Frank maybe wasn't so real as I first thought. And I know that I could be wrong about Frank. Maybe Frank was just a hallucination or a way of my brain coping with loneliness. Maybe he was just all in my head. If he is as real as me then maybe I am not so real after all and I always wanted Frank to forever be by my side but maybe that was never going to be allowed. Because Frank was never really in this world, he was in my mind, and my mind is a dangerous world and I'm glad he escaped. Frank was there for me when others couldn't reach me, and I won't be able to survive without him but I will be able to survive with Mikey. Frank helped me escape and now I am free, not just free from Room H271 but also free from my mind. I will miss Frank of course, I'll miss him everyday but I have to keep on living even if it is just for him, for me, for Mikes.

The future will be strange without him next to my side but it will get better. I look to my side to see Mikey who turns and smiles at me gently, yes, it will get better.

"Y-y okay Gee?" He asked, smiling back at me.


"Y-you sure?" He asked, sounding more concerned as his voice continued.

"I...I think I've figured something out Mikey.." I mumbled, looking out the window and watching as a single drop of rain ran down the side of the frosting glass.

"W-what?" Mikey asked, tilting his head slightly to one side.

"It's only now that I realise who Frank really was. Frank was me, Frank was my hope to try and escape. And Creature was acting as depression, trying to pull me down into its depths. Depression took my hope away from me and almost took me with my hope but Frank showed up at the last minute to save me. And I no longer need Frank because I no longer need the hope to escape. I just need the hope to keep on living Mikes, and I think that that is you?"

"M-me? Your reason t-to live?"

"Yes Mikes. You. My brother." I smile as I hug him. He pulls me back into another hug as we pull up onto Ray's rather familiar looking driveway.

"Mikes? What will we do?" I asked as his warmth flooded into my skin and I almost felt my heart rate slow.

"W-well we have a band. W-we really want y-you to join, if you like. W-when you are feeling better."

"Really?" I smiled, "I'd love to play music again! It would take a while to get used to it again! But I'd love to Mikes!"

"W-we'd love to have you back Gee! W-we have a rhythm guitarist too."

"Oh cool!" I allowed a giggle to take over my body, "what's their name?"

"Frank..." Mikey smiled, "his name is Frank. W-would you like to meet him??"

A grin took over my face and I nodded my head.

As we walk to the front door I think of the future and I know that with Mikey by my side I will survive. But still I think of this 'new' Frank, and wonder if he'll be anything like the Frank that I knew.


Hello for the last time. I'm really sad that this is the last chapter. Despite the sadness I tried to show how Gerard feels as though he can be happy in the future. I'd like to take this moment to thank you for reading. I'm not bothered if 1 person or 1 million people read this, all I'm bothered about is whether the people who do read it enjoy. so thank you once again. :)

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