My Special Little Snowflake (Niall Horan)

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It was a hot day. I mean, it was a HOT day. I just got flown to Australia by the guys in One Direction. They were my best friends, especially Niall. I'm Claire. I've never been to the zoo before. So while I was in Australia, that was my main goal. To go to the zoo. And tell Niall how I felt.

It wasn't as if he didn't know how I felt. I thought it was hilarious. He liked me. I liked him. Yet, we both didn't make any type of move. Us dating, in my eyes, would be hilarious. Niall was my special little snowflake, and I was his. If that makes any sense.

He and I were complete opposites. Let's put that in the most simplest form. That's as simple as it'll get. We're complete opposites. I'm American, he's Irish. I'm right handed, he's left. I have a sister, he has a brother. I'm loud and obnoxious, he's shy. He cusses a lot, I hardly cuss at all. As you can tell, we're each others special snowflakes. I'm tired of flirting with Niall. I wanted us to be real.

I was laying on my bed in nothing but some workout shorts and a tank top. As I said, it was hot. I wasn't going to do no moving unless I had to. And that loving would be done at the zoo.

"Are you awake?" yelled Niall as he and the guys barged through the door.

I ran my hand over my body. "Does it look like I'm awake?" I shot back.

"Somebody is cranky," Harry said in a sing song voice.

"That somebody does not like this heat," I shot back, again.

"Are you still down for the zoo or not?" Niall asked sitting next to me on the bed and playing with my hair.

"Are you kidding me?!" I jumped up and smacked Niall's arm. "I want to go to the zoo!"

"Then get dressed!" All five guys yelled in unison.

I ran off to the bathroom and got dressed. I came back out all giddy like. "WE'RE OFF TO SEE ZOO ANIMALS! THE WONDERFUL ANIMALS... of the zoo."

"Why are you so excited about the zoo?" Louis asked as we left the hotel. I knew we'd get bombed by fans and press and somehow I'd get linked to one. They always swore I was dating one, so they always linked me with Niall. As soon as we rounded the corner, flashes starting going crazy. Girls started yelling. People started asking about me and yelling at me asking who I was dating.

"Where are you taking your girlfriend, Niall?" one pop asked. Niall and I shared a secret smile and started laughing.

"He's my friend. Nothing more," was my comment.

"She's my special little snowflake," was his comment. We started laughing again as we rushed out if the hotel to our car.

When we got to the zoo, it was calm. Not very many people surrounded the guys and asked for their autographs, personal questions or pictures. I can tell they were pretty happy about that.

"Where are we going first?" Liam asked.

"PETTING ZOO!"Louis and I yelled at the same time.

"Seriously, you two are a bunch of kids," Zayn said.

"Can't we see the tigers first?" Harry questioned.

"I secondhand what Harry said," Niall said as he out his hands in the hair.

"Me too," Liam said, copying Niall with the hand movements.

"Why are you against the petting zoo?" I asked. "What did the baby sheeps do to you? Nothing. That's what."

"Just let me touch a baby animal," Louis bribed the guys, "then I'll go see whatever animals you want to see." Louis and I shared a grin and ran towards the letting zoo.

"So, how are you liking Australia?" Niall asked.

I smiled at him. "I like it. Thanks for inviting me to spend the weekend with you."

"Well, there was a reason why I invited you, Claire."

"What was that?"

"I....." he was rudely cut off by Louis screaming.


We were all laughing hysterically. "That's what llama's do, Louis," Liam said. "llamas spit."


"I told you, we should've gone there first," Harry said annoyed.

"Nobody asked for your opinion," I replied back. We started towards the lion when Niall pulled me back. "What?" I looked at the guys who didn't seem to notice that we were gone.

"We need to talk," he said in his adorable accent.


"We just need to talk. Let's go look at the penguins."

"I love penguins!" I yelled.

"I know," he cracked a smile and went in the opposite direction as the guys.


"Get with that!"Liam yelled doing Niall and Louis famous hip thrust. I shook my head and ran back to Niall.

"I missed you. I was literally counting down the days until you came to see me," Niall said as he grabbed me by the waist and hugged me.

"I missed ya too. What did you want to talk about?"


"Us as in..."

"Us as in couple."

"I don't understand..." Because I really didn't understand what he was saying. Did he want to be a couple or....

"Oh come on Claire! We both like each other. Why can't we admit it to one another?"

"You just admitted it," I pointed out.

"Claire," he said sternly.

"Fine," I said stubbornly. "I do like you Niall. But can we be a couple? Considering how different we are, and that you're going to be gone most nights?"

He just looked off at the penguins. "You know, when a penguins finds their mate, they stay together forever. He doesn't let his rock go. He keeps his pebble. No matter how different it is, to him, that pebble is perfect." He turned to face me. "You're my penguin, Claire."

"Wow," I breathed. "Just... Wow."

"I want us to be together, Claire. I really do. You and I, together, is a perfect mix. We may be different, but our love for one another isn't. I'll never hurt you. I'll let you know how much Iove you. I'll send you out to see me when I miss you. I'll call you everyday, I'll text you as much as I can. I'll show up at your house randomly," he paused and took a breath. He had tears in his eyes, "Claire, My little special snowflake. My penguin, will you be my girlfriend?"

"I would love nothing but to be," I said as I lunged towards him. "You saved me for making a fool of myself, you know."

"How so?"

"I was going to tell you I loved you," I replied back.

"I love you too, my little special snowflake," he said as he kissed my nose. He then made his way to my lips but paused. "I've been waiting for ages for this." Then he kissed me. The same time the guys walked up.

"GIVE ME MY MONEH!" Zayn yelled.

"I WON THE BET!" Louis yelled doing his pat the dog screw in the light bulb dance.

"No. It depends on who said they who first," Harry said as he shook his head. "You both placed a bet on Claire. Liam and I said Niall."

"I bet you it was Niall," Liam said staring us in the eyes.

"Pay up, Zayn and Louis. I said it first," Niall said.

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⏰ Last updated: May 08, 2012 ⏰

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