Chapter two:Leaving

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~Next day~
Eisuke P.o.V
I woke up. Yesterday I had a serious fight with Eloise. I know I went too far. Maybe I should try to act sweet to her. But I am not used to doing this.
Eisuke: I hate the idea to be sweet damnit.
I started to dress. Thinking of what to tell Eloise to forgive me. The truth is she is the only woman than supported me. I never had been with a woman a month. Is a record. But I don't think this will be easy. Well, I guess I deserved it.
It seems I received a message from Eloise. "I am sorry for yesterday I exaggerated. Anyway, I can't come soon to the hotel I am going to be busy. Don't worry about me take care of you." Oh great.
I left the room and I went to see the rest. They were waiting for me. I think Eloise had come here.
Soryu: Eloise had come here.
Eisuke: I see. She did say something important?
Baba: Well she talked only about work and that send you a message.
Eisuke: Okay then.
Everybody look at me. Wait for me to react or do something. I wanted to say something but my phone started to ring.
Eisuke:*answer*Hello.I understand I will take a plane soon.
I hang on and I noticed that Soryu had been looking at me all this time. I know he is very attached to Eloise as rest. I try somehow to be a little sweet...I think.
Soryu: What about Eloise?
Mamoru: Yeah the kid looks really tired.
Baba: Well Boss?
Ota: I can take care of her in your absence.
I really wanted to tell her personal than I gonna miss some days. But I should better leave to rest take care of her. After I come back I will apologize to her and ask her to be my wife. After we gonna marry she gonna be all mine. No more excuses.
Eisuke: Take care of her. I gonna call her boss and take care of her have some free days.
Baba: Understood.
Ota: Okay.
Mamoru: What a pain...
Soryu: Okay. Call us when gonna be back.
Eisuke: I will.
I left the hotel. Wait for me, Eloise. After I gonna finish the problems I gonna make you mine.Forever.No more fights no more jealousy.
Thanks for reading! I know this chapter isn't that good and have grammar problems. Hope you enjoyed it!Sorry for the late update!

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