Chapter 1: Introductions

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Hey guys, welcome to my very first Meliodas x reader fan-fiction! I hope you guys like this first chapter. If I get good reviews and such, I'll start working on the second chapter! Feel free to ask questions, comment and vote! Talk to all you lovelys later!


Great. Just great.

I was currently sitting down in an abandoned alleyway. It was very dark, and very cold. I had no food, No available currency and no bloody place to stay the night. A warm bed would do so nicely right about now, if I was able to support myself that is.

well, to be honest, It's not that I can't support myself, its more the fact that I'm lazy and couldn't give two flying fudges to care. Not at the moment anyway.

You see, My name's Addison. I am of the demonic race, and a decedent of a grey demon. Now, I may not look like much, due to my small body frame and height, but I can somewhat pack a punch. honestly, I'm only dangerous when I lose control, and believe you me, you do not want to see me lose control.

I've been alive for two thousand, five hundred and thirty-two years. I know, right? I must look like an old hag. that is, If I was human. But I'm not, luckily for me. I don't look a day older then nineteen. others might even say eleven... I really am tiny. To others, I appear to be like a child. I suppose that's not all too bad though, it makes me feel young.

anyway, back to the topic at hand. sitting in an ally. no silver or gold coins. freezing to death, not literally of course. Some punk decided it would be a great idea to hold me down and steal everything I own that was on me at that current moment. thus, the reason I am outside in the cold, alone.

Don't get me wrong, I could have done something about it. kill him, chop him up, eaten him for supper or something. But, I was way too tired to do anything, all I wanted to do was sleep.

"Meliodas, stop messing around" I froze, quickly standing up. There were still people out at this time of night?

"Sorry Elizabeth, couldn't help myself" Elizabeth? As in the princess? and... Meliodas? That name sounds very familiar, where have I heard that name from? it's on the tip of my tongue...

I was so court up in my thoughts that I totally forgot I was standing next to a wooden plank. I lost my balance for a split second, took a few steps back to steady myself. I thought I had saved myself, but then came the wooden plank. my short legs toppled over the piece of wood, making a loud bang echo throughout the city streets.

"who's there? Show yourself!" I scrambled to my feet, looking around for something to defend myself with. I spotted a hammer of to the side, and quickly held it out in front of me. A young, blond haired boy and a girl with silver hair and blue eyes came around the corner.

"Stay back!" I swung the hammer once "I don't mean any trouble" Dammit Addi, A hammer? really? What the hell is this supposed to do against two strangers? I quickly spun around, ready to run off. However, my clumsy body decided it was a wonderful time for another trip of the legs.

I fell to the ground. A pain shot up one of my legs, causing me to groan. ouch. sprained ankle.

"who is she?" The girl asked. while they had their own conversation, I started messaging my ankle. I'm so bloody stupid, I need to be more aware of my surroundings.

"she's so short" and there was that word.


This prick had the audacity to say I'm short.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 10, 2017 ⏰

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