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Damaged. What does Damaged even mean? By dictionary definition, it means to have a detrimental effect on. My definition? This world. Were all damaged. We live in a world where your judged my race, sexuality and gender. We live in a world where people murder, rob and damage you. We live in a world where you do drugs and are a thug if your black. Where if your gay your a sinner. Where if your Hispanic, you're an immigrant and dont belong here. Well news flash, people. Were all immigrants. How do you think Europeans came and found this land? They immigrated here, made their own life, damaged everyone else. Theres that word again. Damaged. Im damaged, and why? Because of society. Im damaged because of the heart breakers, people who stomp all over you, who try to over rule you. And those people? There the most damaged of all. The murders, the robbers, the assholes. They're the ones who need the most help. Stop judging others if you cant even judge yourself. Look in the mirror, think who you are before making your next move.

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