Change You Like A Remix

Start from the beginning

He smiled back and we walked over to the couch and sat down. When Faith saw pete her eyes lit up and I could tell she was holding back saying anything. Pete smiled at her,

"Hey Faith"

"Hi Pete" she said sounding very nervous.


3 films later Pete and Faith seemed to be getting along quite well. We had watched Edward Scissor Hands, The Nightmare Before Christmas and The Corpse Bride but now we were all quite tried as it was getting late. Pete stood up and yawned,

"See ya' tomorrow trick, Meagan wants me to meet her at Starbucks as she just got off work. Bye Faith, Bye trick" Pete said as he put his phone in his pocket and headed for the door.

"Bye Pete" I shouted.

"Bye Pete" Faith shouted too.

I turned to Faith, "we should go to Starbucks sometime"

She scratched the back of her neck nervously, "what if people recognise me?"

Oops, didn't think of that. I thought for a minute or two but then came up with a brilliant idea.

I jumped up of the couch, "I'm gonna change you, like a remix!" I sang which caused her to erupt in laughter.

"What?" She said still laughing.

"We can change up your look so no one will notice you!"

"Patrick that's a brilliant idea!" She said and stood up to hug me.

I hugged her back and wanted to stay that way forever. Nothing wrong with a little hug, okay? We sat and discussed how we were gonna re-vamp her look from hair colour to tattoos to piercings and more. She told me how she wanted to dye her blue hair black, get snake bite piercings and possibly get tattoos in the future.

"Why wait to get tattoos when we could get you booked in right now?" I said getting a little excited, she was going to look even more beautiful, only if that was even possible.

She rubbed the back of her neck again, "Patrick I'm only 17... You need to be over 18 to get tattoos..."

I opened my mouth wide with shock, she's only 17!? That's a 7 year difference... (A/N: okay I know Patricks 29 not 24 but I didn't want the age gap to big so I changed it okayyy...) what am I thinking!? I don't even like her in that way, or do I? I focused on our conversation again,

"Oh, well when's your birthday?"

"31st of October, so next month"

"Wait your birthdays on Halloween?" She nodded. "Awesome!"

We then went over how we were going to change up her look. I made a list of things in notes on my phone, we planned to get the hair dye from the store tomorrow morning then drive over to the next state and go to the shopping mall there. The reason we were going to another state was just incase anyone still recognised her.

"I'm tired trick" she said, picking up the nickname from Pete.

I grinned at her, "okay then, goodnight" I said and kissed her forehead.

"I was uh wondering if I could sleep with you again..." She said quietly.

I pretended to think for a moment but I knew in my head my answer, yes of course...

"Yeah, um sure" I said casually.

She smiled and we both waked to my bed room. I got some pyjama pants from my closet and went to the bathroom to change, leaving Faith to change while I was gone. She nocked on the door to tell me she was done, so was I so I opened the door and walked out to find her already in bed. I walked around to my side and got in, there was space between us but for some reason I really wish there wasn't. I tried to get all thoughts of Faith out of my head, but failed. My thoughts went back to this morning when I woke up with her sleeping next to me on the couch, I never asked why but now might me a good time.

"Faith?" I whispered.

"Yes Patrick?" She whispered back.

"If you don't mind me asking, why were you asleep with me on the couch when I woke up?"

There was a short silence but then she sighed.

"I had a bad dream. In the dream I somehow saw how my parents died. It was exactly how the police had told me it happened and I panicked. I came out to see if you were awake but when I saw you sleeping I didn't want to wake you so I just lay next to you... It made me feel, safe"

By now she was in tears.

"You never told me your parents died... Is that why you were sent to the orphanage?"

She nodded and started to cry heavier.

"Shhh shhh, I'm sorry... Come here" I said opening my arms.

She moved closer and into my arms, I held her as she cried and cried, eventually falling asleep.

"I love you Faith" I said in less than a whisper, but it was true. I think I'm falling in love with Faith...


So as promised when I reached 100+ reads I would update, so here you go!:) this chapter was a little boring, I know, but it was kind of a filler so expect the next chapter to be more interesting c:
Next update: 175 reads plus.
Also don't forget to vote so more people see the story!
And comment something nice too;)


Tittle credit: Fall Out Boy // The Phoenix

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