When Harry met Annie

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Harry had had enough of the ghosts that constantly hounded him with questions like "If your the master of death, why can't you bring me back to life?" Ghosts had to be stupid or something, he couldn't just bring them back, even he didn't have that kind of power.
He had moved to Bristol for one reason a low amount of murders meant less ghosts but of course one of the few would find him and hound him. This one was different however, she didn't ask him to bring her back, she just seemed happy he could see her. She wanted to introduce Harry to her friends and made him promise not to be afraid.
Harry should've known something was off when she said that. He was obviously sceptical but he couldn't say no, she seemed so happy and excited that he just couldn't refuse, besides it wasn't like he had any friends left they had all grown old and died, leaving him alone.
So as Annie jumped for joy and pulled him into her house, Harry silently contemplated his existence. Harry could tell immediately that there was a vampire living there, he had power over them too since they were for all intents and purposes dead. His eyes glowed emerald green in the darkness and his pupils became cat like slits as he walked into the room and saw another person sat next to the vampire. Harry watched them examine him most likely due to the glowing eyes that came with being a werecat. It was tedious at times but it had its uses like now for instance. He breathed in and smelled the wet dog scent that came with werewolves.
"Annie, why is there a thirteen year old in our house?" Said the vampire, he had an accent that Harry couldn't place. "I'm Harry Potter, the master of death," He felt like using this introduction to see their reactions for one reason: He was bored, his existence had become monotonous. "Well thanks for clearing that up. What exactly does that mean?" The werewolf asked not even trying to hide his confusion. "Well it means that I cannot die, I'm trapped as a thirteen year old, have power over death and am a magnet for ghosts," Harry sighed at the last statement glancing at Annie subtly. "And the eyes are they part of that?" The werewolf spoke and Harry sick of calling them the werewolf and the vampire searched their minds and found the wolfs name was George and the vampires name was Mitchell.
Harry grinned as he responded "Oh no that's because I'm a werecat, it happens automatically in the dark it lets me see things better," naturally George looked shocked as did the others but slightly less so than George.
"You're a what?" George sounded like he was afraid of pushing too far. "I turn into a panther on the full moon, yes I know it's normally a wolf but I had to be different I've always had to be different not by choice of course but things happen," Harry sounded annoyed and he had every right to be annoyed, fate enjoyed messing with him.
Everyone had paused and stared at him as he ranted at fate in his mind. "You turn into a panther... what else? Are you a wizard?" Mitchell was on a mini rant. "Actually yes I am," Harry responded smiling as everyone looked surprised.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 29, 2017 ⏰

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