Chapter 13 - The Battle Intensifies!

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"Actually, don't move into Vice President Yan's office. If in case she returns earlier, you will have to pack again. You might as well move in here instead since my office is large enough. I'll get someone to order a desk for you. Moving forward, you can sit and work directly opposite to me."

Di Shuang opened her mouth wide in astonishment, "No way......then, wouldn't I be—......"

Wouldn't I become the number one public enemy in this company?

"What's wrong? Are you not satisfied?" Gu Hai sneered coldly, "If you're not satisfied, I can clear out the bedroom on the other side and give you half of it."

"No, no, no.... I'm already very satisfied."

Di Shuang walked out of Gu Hai's office, feeling as though she was in paradise and was gracefully dancing on the clouds. Did the good fortunes come too quickly? First, she picked up an invincibly handsome officer without any problems, and now for some strange combination of circumstances, she was promoted. By now, even she was a bit jealous of herself.

This news spread throughout the entire company very quickly and the person who had the biggest reaction was— of course— Xiao Tao.

Just a day ago, she had secretly giggled beneath her blanket.

You got busted, didn't you? Just wait until you get fired!

The next day, in front of Xiao Tao's hopeful eyes, Di Shuang dispiritedly walked into Gu Hai's office yet when she walked out, she was beaming with happiness instead. Not only was her anticipation for Di Shuang to get fire utterly shattered, her chances of moving into Gu Hai's office to enjoy an unprecedented treatment as well as all the attention that she had previously received was completely snatched away.

For the past few days, Gu Hai had given Di Shang a considerable amount of face.

First, he made arrangements for her to work in his own office which tantamount to being on the same footing as the higher managements. Then, whenever he headed out for a meeting, he would take her with him as if she was his personal secretary. Finally, he would always be together with her for dinner and any free time she had. The two came to work together and finished work together. And, Gu Hai's chauffeur was responsible for picking her up and dropping her off at work.

"Hey, hey..... can you guys tell me what's so good about Di Shuang? How did she even get selected?"

"How would I know? I actually thought she fell in love with somebody else so I ended up asking her about it the other day. She said that she is still dating that Major."

"No way?" said the woman stunned, "She has her hands on two men?"

"I hate women like that, so slutty."


Under countless jealous and hate-filled glares, Di Shuang simply walked into the office.

Nearly two weeks has passed, and for the last two days Di Shuang's egotism has been completely satisfied. After that, everything became a very long and torturous process. The pressure that contrived from her colleagues' opinions and so on were all trivial matters, but the most insufferable pressure came from the excess of workload and a lifestyle that was constantly being under surveillance.

Since she was given such an important position from Gu Hai, she never dared to slack even the slightest. Every day, in Gu Hai's presence, she performed her duties with utmost effort, and had never taken advantage of working hours to contact Bai Luo Yin.

Therefore, in the awake of excess workload and responsibilities, her spare time had significantly decreased next to none. By the time she returned home every night, she was completely burnt out. Even the thought of wanting to get in touch with Bai Luo Yin for just a while was out of the question since she would fall fast asleep the moment her head touched the pillow.

As a result, one day when she was no longer able to bear the heavy burden, Di Shuang finally cracked and messaged Bai Luo Yin during a bathroom break, crying out for help.

On that same evening, Gu Hai received a phone call.

"Give your sister-in-law a day off!" Bai Luo Yin said with a rather demanding tone.

Gu Hai responded indifferently, "It's because she is my sister-in-law that I cannot favor her. What you said that day deeply touched me. I can't let my emotions get the best of me and act out impulsively. I have to be fair and treat issues separately and justly so that you won't look down on me!"

After throwing down the phone, Bai Luo Yin bit his own lips so hard that it almost bled.

Gu Hai, on the other hand, happily went to the bathroom for a nice and cold shower.

The next morning, Di Shuang came to work with an exceptionally refreshing and glamorous allure rather than her usual impecunious and modest appearance. She walked into the office brimming from ear to ear as if happiness had been written all over her face.

The moment Gu Hai lifted his head, he was met with a dazzling necklace hanging off Di Shuang's neck.

With just one look at the style and design, Gu Hai knew straightaway who it was from.

After so many years, Bai Luo Yin's taste still hasn't changed.

When Di Shuang saw Gu Hai staring her necklace, a light blush gracefully ran up her cheeks before she spoke in a soft voice.

"This is from your brother."

Gu Hai sneered with a laugh, "When did you see him?"

"I didn't see him. He heard I wasn't in a good mood yesterday so that night he sent someone to deliver the necklace by leaving it in the mailbox downstairs. I was shocked when I opened it early this morning. Who would have known even a soldier knows how to be romantic......" Di Shuang blushed again as she spoke, unable to prevent the happiness that played out on her face to flow into her words......

Like a sharp arrow, Gu Hai's gloomy glare was aimed at Di Shuang's face, "Year-end is fast approaching, and there has been a lot of work for the past few days. I've already stayed overnight in the office for two days in a row and honestly, it's been a bit unbearable. How about this, from today on, you can also stay over in the office to help take some responsibilities off my shoulders, what do you think?"

The colour of Di Shuang's face changed instantly as she nervously gazed at Gu Hai. There were some words she had been holding back for a long while now, and she felt it was finally time to lay it out in the open.

"Gu Zong, I admit, I had feelings for you in the past, but that was in the past. Now, I love my boyfriend with all my heart. Isn't there a saying that goes like this? You should not covet your brother's wife. Gu Zong, I can see that you are good to me. However, I'm truly sorry but I already have someone in my heart. You should stop before you take it too far......"

Gu Hai, "......."

Translator's Note:

[1] Heartless (負心) means to fail to be loyal to one's love but 'heartless' is shorter to write XD

Bai Luo Yin! I want to slap you so far! You have to right to treat Gu Hai like this!!!!!! *kicks his baby maker stick*


Addicted: Book Two - The Raging Flames of PassionTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang