This time, I thought that my heart was gonna jump out of my chest , for Jeylo looked so cute.

I thought I was gonna have a nosebleed, so I looked away.

“Nah , I just wanna confirm something” I whispered .

“Confirm what?” Jeylo said as he leaned closer to me, as if he was trying to figure out what I was thinking.

I knew it. Jey was so sharp. He immediately sensed that I was acting weird.

Damn, I’m not really good at this.

“Is there anything you want to tell me?” he said as he wrap his arms on my waist, as he leaned his head on my shoulder.

With that simple gesture, my body froze, with my heart still beating so hard, and then I finally realized that I was really in love with this guy.

“Hey are you alright?”Jeylo said with a worried look at his face.

Damn! This was so uncool. I’m completely speechless.

“Hey Jey! Let’s go, breaktime’s over”

That was his team mate’s voice, that starled both of us.

Jeylo shrugged his shoulders, then he kissed me in the cheek and dashed towards his teammate, as he waved goodbye to me.

The heck! He just kissed me in the cheek and I was blushing this hard.

I let out a soft laugh, with my unusual behavior.I can’t believe it. I’m acting like a girl.

Jeylo’s POV

Breaktime’s finally over and we were now continuing our practice, but I just cannot focus in playing for I was bothered with Luke’s unusual behavior a while ago.

Of course, I’m very happy that he visited me, but he was really acting strange.

It looks like there was something bothering him, and he wanted to tell me. And yet, he just constantly stare at me, and it’s very weird.

“Jey the ball!” Grover’s voice interrupted my deep thought and I was brought back to reality.

“Are you alright?” Jeff said as he tapped my shoulder.

I just smiled and nodded at him.

That’s right, I should focus with our practice for now. I will just ask Luke later.

So I played to my heart’s content.

After our practice. I immediately went back to where I left Luke a while ago, but he’s already gone.

I heaved a sigh as I heard the bell and headed straight to our classroom for our Chemistry class.

“Hey Jey, care to explain?” Ritchie said as he clinged to me the moment I entered the classroom.

“Explain what?” I replied as I put my bag on my chair.

“What else? Of course, can you explain about Mr.SSC Pres. Kye Mackrel,hhmmn?” Ritchie said raising one of his eyebrows.

I just rolled my eyes as I remove his arms from me and take a seat.

“Hey Jey, are you friends with that Kye? Tell me more about him, please” Ritchie said , as he showed me his puppy eyes.

“Don’t tell me you’re attracted to him?” I blurted.

“ I like him Jey, he’s handsome, cool, popular, and oh so perfect” Ritchie said with sparkling eyes.

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