I was silently observing them for I don’t know what’s happening anyway and I was trying to digest the situation when Luke suddenly grabbed my arm and when we are about to leave Arch also stopped him by grabbing his arm.

“We miss you Luke, please come back to us,you’re always welcome dude!”

Arch said to him but Luke just  glared at him.

“Leave him be, Arch” Kye said in an authoritative tone.

I saw Luke shifted his gaze to Kye, there was anger reflected on his eyes.

“Right!, you must leave us alone!” Luke said in a loud tone as he freed his arm from Arch’s grip.

And then we started walking away from Arch and Kye.

Just a few distance away from them , we stopped near a fountain and sat on a bench.I silently observed Luke, and when he already composed himself, I slightly squeezed his hand then he looked up to me.

“Uhhmn, hey, care to talk?”  I said smiling to him.

Luke’s POV

Me and Jeylo were sitting on a bench right now, situated near a fountain.

I was trying to cool myself from the incident that we encountered a while ago.

I was surprised to meet Arch and Kye. It was sudden and I was not prepared.It’s alright if it was just Arch but that bastard is with him and then suddenly, my anger just burst out and I can’t control it. Jeylo even encountered that kind of thing, how embarrassing.

I somehow composed myself a little when I felt, Jeylo’s warm hands on mine. He slightly squeezed my hand and I felt better in an instant. As I look up to him, he showed me that beautiful smile as those simple words came out of his mouth.

“Uhhmn, hey, care to talk?”  he said.

I sighed as I focused my gaze on the clear blue sky.

I felt Jeylo, slowly leaned on my shoulder.It was like, he was telling me that “it’s alright,I’m willing to listen”.

And before I knew it I was telling him about my painful experience in highschool.

“Me and Luke were childhood friends, and bestfriends at the same time for our families were so close, for they were business partners. Arch is Luke’s cousin and he has a classmate named Jasmine which he introduced to the two of us.I fell in love with Jasmine the moment I saw her, so I decided to pursue her. Things were getting better between us and later Jasmine became my girlfriend. We were so happy, that’s what I thought. Kye and Jasmine were also close of course , but I never really doubted them, for I know it was mere friendship . And then one day, I decided to take a surprise visit to Kye, but I was the one who was surprised instead.I accidentally saw Kye and Jasmine having sex in the couch. I almost beat Kye to a pulp but Jasmine pleaded for his life saying that they love each other.”

I was seriously saying this stuff to Jeylo , and then he just burst out laughing.

“Geez! That was so dramatic!” he said as he tapped my shoulder and then he looked at me with a serious expression.

“You know Luke, I think Kye did that kind of thing for he really was in love with Jasmine,.I can’t blame him. For me, Isn’t he amazing for he was able to do crazy stuff  for the sake of his love” Jeylo smiled at me as he caressed my face.

“What are you saying Jey?, he betrayed me! I thought he was my friend but he’s a traitor! “ I said in a loud tone.

“Did he apologized for what he did?” Jeylo asked.

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