Chapter 3- The Start

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*Farrah's POV

Sadly the first part of my day starts out with the library Nazi *cough* I mean Mr. Novak. I have three online classes that I have to sit through in the library this year, sadly. He thinks that he knows everything, and he isn't even a really librarian. I would know, because my mom is one.

I really do like my online college classes though. After next semester, I will be able to graduate with an associate's degree, before I graduate from high school (by 8 days). I have been working really hard on this for the last two years and let me tell you it is not easy. I have to spend my summers taking college classes, but it will be so worth it in the end. I will get to say that I have done something that no one else at this school has ever done.

As I am sitting at my table in the library one of the new teachers walks through. I think that it is the geography teacher, Mr. Jaxon. He sees me and walks over.

"Hello, we didn't get properly introduced this morning, I am Mr. Jaxon, and you are?"

"Hi, my name is Farrah. I am senior this year. I think that I am in a couple of your classes."

"I think so. I remember seeing a unique name. Unlike one that is exactly like the four other Megans. So, you are a senior this year. I assume that you planning to attend a college or university. What do you want to major in."

I blush a little as he compliments my name. Who wouldn't blush is a hot guy complimented them. I also get a little nervous. Whenever I tell someone what I want to study in college, they always tell me that I will never find a job.

"I want to double major in geography and anthropology and maybe triple or minor in international studies."

"That is a very wise choice you can find a lot of interesting jobs with those majors. I can see that you are very passionate about these fields, so I wish you the best of luck. I will see you in class."

"Thank you! I hope that you have a good day!"

As he walks away I smell the most amazing scent. It smells like rain. (I know that sounds odd, but I love that smell.) Fayre immediately perks up a little, which is odd. Usually when I am at school she tries to hide because she hates the smell of pubescent teenagers.

"What is wrong, Fayre? Are you okay?"

Yeah, it is just I thought I felt our mate for a second, but I can't be sure. It is like another fox brushed against me. I was surprised. Who was here?

"Just one of my new teachers."

Hmm, I will have to wait and think on it. I think that we will meet out mate soon though. I am looking forward to it.

"Me too. Now let me get back to work."

Sorry this one is so short!

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 22, 2019 ⏰

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