Chapter 5

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Kara was shopping in the mall before her sleepover with Blaine and Kurt

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Kara was shopping in the mall before her sleepover with Blaine and Kurt. She was excited so she wanted to buy something for them and her. Kurt and Blaine were on snack duty. Kara walked into shoe shop and looked around.
She turned around and saw Sam looking at some sneakers.
"Hey, Sammy."
Sam smiled.
"Oh, hey Kara. Shopping?"
Kara looked at five bags in her hands.
"Yeah. Just some me time."
Sam smiled and nodded.
"Do you want me to walk you home?"
Kara smiled.
The two walked and talked about Glee Club. Sam smiled at her as she talked and pulled her by the waist kissing her. Kara froze and tried to push him off. When he pulled away she looked at him wide eyed.
"What were you thinking? I don't like you, Sam. I'm in love with someone else."
Kara turned around and started crying walking to her house. She run in and walked into kitchen. She put the bags down. Blaine turned around but his smile slipped as he saw Kara.
"Kara? Are you crying? What happened?"
Kara just hugged him and started crying again.
Blaine run his fingers through her hair.
"Honey, tell me what happened."
Kara looked up at him with her green eyes full of tears.
"Sam... He kissed me... I tried to... Push him off... But he was so strong... I..."
Blaine shushed her.
"Don't worry. He won't touch you ever again. Let's go to my room and watch a movie."
Kara nodded and two walked in. Kurt looked at his sister and his eyes widened.
"K? You alright?"
Kara nodded.
"I'm fine. Don't worry."
Kurt nodded but didn't looked convinced.
Kara sat between Kurt and Blaine. Blaine pulled the blanket over three of them.
Kara fell asleep in the middle of a movie. Blaine looked at her sleeping, her head on his shoulder.
Kurt smiled at the two.
"You love her, don't you?"
Blaine smiled.
"I do."
Kurt nodded.
"Just make her happy. I don't like seeing her sad. Since mom died, Kara... Wasn't the same. She used to be happy. Now that she has you, she is more happier. Thank you."
Blaine smiled and kissed her forehead.
"Don't worry. I'll keep her safe."


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