Episode 1

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"I know that I had originally been planning on waiting another year or two before retiring, but, I just feel like I'm ready to be done. Maybe I'll return after a year long break? I don't know. I just know that I want to go back to Hasetsu for a while. I know that I go every year, but those visits are too brief. I miss home," Yuuri told Phichit, Celestino and Minako. He was 27 now. He had won the Grand Prix Final 5 times in a row, and honestly, being on the top was starting to get exhausting. His anxiety meds weren't a cure all, and being one of the best figure skaters in the world was a lot of pressure. Yuuri could tell that soon enough, the pressure would start to overwhelm him, and Yuuri had learned that beating the storm was always the best option when it came to his anxiety. So, returning home would be a wonderful opportunity to relax and see his family and Vicchan.

"The banquets will be so much more dull without you though!" Phichit said.

"You know, Phichit, you could always find someone else to give copious amounts of champagne to. I don't have to be the drunk idiot, someone else can take my place," Yuri said exasperatedly.

Celestino, who somehow always managed to avoid the banquets, was puzzled, asking, "Do I even want to know what kind of idiotic things you two ended up doing?"

"No," Yuuri and Phichit said simultaneously. Both of them dreaded the day when their coach would inevitably find out about their Grand Prix Final banquet tradition. First, Yuuri would swear that he would only have some restraint and keep himself to one glass of champagne, and then Phichit would look at him dubiously with a glint in his eyes. Then, they would go to the banquet and Phichit would keep on giving glasses of champagne to Yuuri, and Yuuri would idiotically accept them. Phichit would stop meddling once Yuuri was drunk, but often times Yuuri's drunk self had poor judgement. Occasionally he had some restraint and could remember the events of the banquet the next morning, but often times Yuuri drank so much champagne that he would wake up in his hotel room the next morning with no memories of the previous night, only hoping that he didn't do anything too humiliating.

"And Yuuri, if you leave now, the debate will never be settled!" Phichit exclaimed.

"What debate?" Yuuri said.

"Ever since you rose to the top, there's been a raging debate on whether you were really hot, or really adorable. And then there's the group that I'm a part of that says, why not both! But, if you leave now, the debate will never be settled and the figure skating fandom will tear each other into pieces," explained Phichit.

"I'm going to just going to believe that you're making this all up, okay?" Yuuri sighed.

"Oh, Phichit's definitely not making it up. Moving on, if you're going back to Hasetsu, so am I, Yuuri," Minako told him, then, when Yuuri started to protest, said, "I came over here when you realized that Celestino's choreographer just wasn't a good fit for your style, and you suggested to Celestino that I come and choreograph for you, and maybe teach his students ballet. It has been amazing choreographing for you and some of the other skaters, and watching you learn how to choreograph yourself. And more so than that, it's been amazing being able to see all the skating events in person! But I've been thinking for some time that I should go back to Hasetsu and re open up the dance studio. I've loved every second of choreographing, but I think it's time for both of us to get back home. Celestino, if any of your students ever need help with choreography, you know how to reach me, but in general, I think it's time for me to revitalize the dance scene in Hasetsu!"

"I guess that's your choice Minako-sensei," Yuuri sighed, looking like he wanted to argue, but thinking better of it.

"So are you going to leave right away or once the season finishes out," Celestino asked.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 28, 2017 ⏰

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