Sebastian Oneshot: A Demon's Emotions *edited x3*

Start from the beginning

  My grip on the thin sheets tightened and finally I couldn't take it anymore.

 "OKAY!" This startled Sebastian and he gave me a look.

"What is?" I sighed deeply and looked into his evil eyes.

"I'll freakin' change. Just get the hell out of my room and I'll be right down..." I turned away but Sebastian's gaze deepened. Looking back I saw he wasn't satisfied.


 "Please?" I whimpered. The butlers face lightened up just a little bit and he quietly moved out of my bedroom. Silence filled the air for a couple of minutes, then I finally decided to get dressed. Dragging my feet to my wardrobe, I picked up one of the copies of maid uniforms in there. My eyes casted on my custom one, much different than the one Mey-Rin wears, my best friend. Well, basically she is the only female friend I ever had in this mansion. Finny's also one of my buddies, but Bard is cranky and mean to me. When I first came to the Phantomhive Manor, he instantly flirted with me. He looked about in his late 20s and he wasn't bad looking. Although, I did not come here for love. I pushed him away thanks to my spunky attitude now he barley wants anything to do with me! Yay!

  Well, anyways, I now live here in this dark mansion. Sebastian is the one who took me in and I planned for it. I knew he wan't human, I've seen him around my father about 5 months back, then he probably died 2 months after mother's death. It breaks my heart to know both parents are gone, but I know he had to do with it. Sebastian Michaelis. That one hell of a butler is actually one hell of demon! So many things I want to do to the bastard right now, but I must remain calm. In order for my plan to work, I must work with him. What a pain surely this will be...

   Going downstairs, I notice no one was in the main hall so I traveled to the kitchen.  Bard was creating breakfast, well what seemed to be breakfast at the stove top. Mey-Rin was fixing the dishes and Finny was outside tending to the garden as usual. Uncle Ramone', I silent prayed (my missing uncle), please guide me through this hectic day. Also, come back, I miss you terribly!

Bard looked my way and smiled causing me to drift away from my thoughts.

  "Mornin' Renee'. You missed breakfast for the staff once again. Woke up late as usual I see!" He then laughed his head off while I gave him a blank stare. Mey-Rin put the last of the dishes away and hugged me like she does every morning.

 "Another day of work, another day where we'll get to hear your constant bickering with Sebastian eh?" Mey-Rin teased. 

I simply rolled my eyes and breathed heavily.

  "I guess."

"If I do recall, he's known you since you were small right?"

I gave her a questioning look and stared at the white ceiling for a moment. I began to tell her everything.

Flashback: Cause I can >:3

 The rain was pouring hard, the perfect weather to represent how I felt at the moment. Me, a naive 6 year old who didn't have a clue in the world what can happen. That's what they all said, but I know better. There are things that are not from this world, good and evil.

 I hold on tight to my daddy's hand, looking at mommy's pale face in the casket. There she holds a bouquet of purple flowers, and wearing her favorite black lacy dress. Deep inside, I know that the gashes from 2 nights ago are still there under her clothes. Those ugly reminders of how she died that night. Hour after hour, people began to leave. Soon it was only the two of us, as the people began to close the casket and lower it to the ground. It was sad to think that my uncle did not show up at the funeral at all!

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