My mom wasn't in there so I just skipped breakfast and headed outside to the car.


"I love you too." I said lowly as I shut the door.

I began walking towards the schools entrance.

As I walked in the sound of lockers being slammed shut and peoples conversations filled my ears.

Student were everywhere, the halls were packed... just like usual.

And before I could even get to the office I was bombarded with tons of questions.

"Who kidnapped you?"

"Did he beat you?"

"What'd he do to you?"

"How did you escape!?"

"Aren't you still scared?"

I didn't answer any of them I just walked straight to the office.

"Welcome back Miss. Price." The woman at the desk said smiling at me.

I didn't say anything back which caused her to smile to awkwardly fade as she handed me my schedule.

I grabbed it and headed to my class.

When I opened the door only a few people were in there so I walked straight to the very back and sat down.

After a few minutes the bell had rang and everyone had already filled the room and guess who came to sit next to me.

Diana bitch ass.

She sat down in the seat that was next to me and smirked.

"Look who's back, the little whore."

I ignored her and continued to look straight forward.

She used to pick with me before the whole 'kidnap' situation but I always ignored her or left out of class which is the reason I had detention that day.

"Your not going to say anything?" She laughed.

I still didn't answer her and I wanted to badly reach across this desk and smack the shit out of her, but she's just all talk.

"Your still a rude little shit huh?" She asked. "I thought the man would've taught ya ass some damn manners."

"Bruh stop messing with the girl Diana, you stay tryna fuck somebody day up." The guy in front of me said.

I guess he was new or something because I never saw him around here before.

"How about you shut the fuck up and mind your business. Am I bothering you Nola? Hmm? Am I?" She asked.

Oh my fucking god!!

"You know what?" I said slamming my fist into the desk, causing everyone to turn their attention towards me.

"How about YOU shut the fuck up Diana. I'm passed tired of yo bullshit. Everyone knows you can't fight, I will gladly beat your ass, or maybe even slice the fuck out of you. You still wanna joke about me? I dare you, I will fucking kill you." I said calmly, but loud enough for her and maybe a few others to hear.

"Wow." She laughed.

I simply rolled my eyes and walked out of the class. I didn't care if I got in trouble, I'm going the fuck home.

I walked down the hall, pass the office and straight through the entrance of our school doors.

"Where you off too?" I heard a voice say....


Sorry this chapter was all over the place.

Writers block.

If a member from members only was a sex addict, who do you think it would be?

Kidnapped (Jahseh Onfroy 🖤)Where stories live. Discover now