The Girl In My Dream

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The next morning, I sat in silence as I ate my breakfast - Slowly crushing it in my mouth. My mind was still focusing on the dream I had last night...

" AppleJack?"

I looked at AppleBloom, " Yes, sugarcube?"

"You looks like having trouble."

"Oh, it's nothing," I forced a smile

"Yer' sure?" AppleBloom asked and I nodded, "Just a dream I had last night."

Big Mac looked at me, "Bad dream?"

"Rather, confusing." I said, getting up from my seat, " But it's all right. No biggie."

"I am heading out."

I didn't even dare look back at my siblings as I rush out of the house - leaving them with confusion.


I am such an idiot...
I muttered cursing under my breath as I looked at the map of New York City using my IPhone. Why didn't I think about getting lost in the middle of Manhattan with thousands of people?
I should have stay home, maybe cleaning the house or something like that since my uncle and aunt were busy with works. I've been gone for an hour- Big Mac and AppleBloom might be worried right now.

I stopped at the red light, waiting it to be green. The morning was a little hot than usual, considering it was already Summer... If Rarity's here without any sunlight protection, she'd be like :

"Noooo my beautiful skin! I shall have my revenge on you Sun!"
Yeaaahhhhh.... Like that would happen. Rarity might be complaining for hours just about sunburn skin and how hot that day was.
Beside my left, stood a boy - same height as me- with black hair and he was holding a hokey stick. The boy seemed to talking to the girl beside him. The girl had orange hair... Freckles.. Blue sky eyes... Wait a second!

Before I could do anything, I heard a voice of someone screaming, "THIEF!!!"

I turned around and saw a man with black sunglasses wearing sweater and hat snatched a bag of a woman. I didn't have time to think, I act fast.
The thief was dashing toward me, trying to cross the road. But I won't let him get away so easily. Just when he dashed beside me, I clenched my fist and sends a painful punch on the man's face. He looked stunned for a moment but then he attacked me back. I dodged every single attack he did. The man launched his knuckles toward me but I caught it easily. A smirk plastered on my face.

"What the-"
Usually I won't get angry so easily but I hate people who only know to take something from others without permissions. I hate lies too.

I spun his arm.



I let go of the guy as he cried in pain. Did I just... I just twisted his arm. A few police man came and captured the thief. Now everybody was looking at me right now. And It made me uncomfortable.

I could only muttered,


I did. People watched me ran away from the location they seen me. My face was bright cherry. I was totally an idiot! Act before thinking...! What was I thinking?!

I slowed down and looked back. I was lucky to know no one followed me. Oh how wrong I was...
I could heard footsteps and something moving behind me. I jogged faster. Soon, I arrived at a park and decided to hide behind a tree, surrounded by bushes. I silently watched the same girl I seen and the boy with hockey stick stopped a few meters away from my hidden place.

"April, I need explanation now!"

"I don't get it," April looked around, "She was heading here. You saw her too, right, Casey?"

"You mean the cowgirl?" Casey shrugged.

April's eyes begun to glowed, "Someone is eavesdropping us." She said, looking at the tree i used to hid me - Only that I wasn't there anymore.

" Aargh!"
I jumped toward Casey, pinning the guy down. April's eyes widened. Casey screamed a bit as I kept him on the ground - Ugh, he sounds like a girl.

" Who are you?" April asked

" I should be the one who ask you that," I glared at the girl, " Why were you following me?"

April grew silence. We both locked eyes and I could see something hidden behind her blue eyes - Power, curiosity, confusion... Then it clicked me.

"You were the girl... You were the girl in my dream..." I whispered

April could only nodded, " I don't know who you are but I could feel a strong energy coming from you."

"I can sense yours too." I said, finally letting Casey go as he whimpered in pain,
"Ow! That hurts! You're so strong!" He cried.

"Strength is my main ability," I said, " But I don't want to hurt people accept if you get into my nerves." A small smirk plastered on my face.


I brushed myself off, " The name's AppleJack." I introduced myself. April helped Casey to get up before she looked back at me.

"My name is April O'Neil and this is Casey Jones."

I nodded, "Well, that's all settled. I need to go home, now." I said, turning away.

"AppleJack, I...i don't know if you can trust me or you're good or not but can we hang out sometimes?" April said, grabbing my shoulder.

I looked at her, " Give me a reason why should I trust a girl with glowing blue eyes."

"That is the point," She lowered her voice, "We both have powers that we kept from public, am I right? I promise to you i am on the good side." April said

I looked into her eyes for lies but no such luck.
I sighed, "Sure."
She grinned and gave me her number phone along with Casey's.

"Call me anytime you want and I will always been there for you, sweet Apple." Casey winked at me.


I think I broke Casey's nose.

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