Yashiro's pov

The long haired male, me and my cat are gliding or flying away from the men. He had arrived just in time. I almost could feel the heat. Who were those men? One with chestnut hair looked pissed off. I feel us land but soon I'm thrown to the ground. I groan from the pain and turn my gaze from the ground to the man.

"You brought us back to the station?" I ask from the male who doesn't answer.

"Thank you! You saved our butts!" I say relieved after seeing nothing dangerous. He doesn't answer again while looking into distance. Well I better get going.

"See ya!" I tell him happily and take a step away from him only to see a katana blocking my way. I look at him confused meeting his dark blue eyes as they glare at me. I tap his katana and he makes a quick movement with it making me fall to the ground again. He turns towards me.

"I am Kuroh Yatogami, the vassal of the former Seventh King Ichigen Miwa," he tells me while walking towards me and drawing his sword. I stare at him confused.

"Vassal of the Seventh King Ichigen Miwa? Ah, that's an interesting name! How do you do? I am Yashiro, Yashiro Isana-" he cuts me off with a swipe of his sword cutting my button off. It is silent.

"In compliance with my master's dying wish, I will slay the evil King... now!" Kuroh says and swings his sword around again. This is getting more confusing and weirder.

"W-what? A King?" I try to undrestand him but it is useless.

3rd pov

Suddenly every phone and TV are playing a video. Video of Tatara's attack. Scepter 4 is doing their best to try to stop the broadcast but they can't do anything. Seri Awashima is panicking. Why can't the do something? How? The questions ran around her head over and over again.

They saw it the first time: the meeting, the shooting and then the rescue of Tatara by complete strangers. When the video ended, more questions arouse.

"Fushimi! Replay!" Awashima commanded and the said young man clicked his tongue and did so. They all saw the redhead and the brunette saving Tatara Totsuka. What all except Saruhiko missed was the tattoo on the girls hip as her shirt rose with the help of the wind. He adjusted his glasses making the gleam dangerously.

"Lieutenant Awashima! Mr Fushimi! Come to my office!" The Blue King's voice echoed from the intercom. They stood and started walking. Soon they stood before the door to the office of the Captain. Awashima knocked and got a permission to enter. Fushimi scoffed and strolled in after Seri and they stood in front of the table. Behind the table sat the Fourth King, Reisi Munakata.

"Sir?" Awashima spoke and tried to find out why they were summoned.

"I know that you have now seen the video and made some notes about it," the King states confidently and pushes his glasses up slightly. Awashima pales: she didn't catch anything from the video, only the obvious things like the hair colours and clothes... well the "useless" points.

"Yes, we did," Fushimi says annoyed to be there. Munakata nods and soon a hologram screen manifests and the starting of the video is seen.

"While we were watching... I noticed this..." he fast forwards the vide to the point where the tattoo is revealed. Seri widens her eyes as she sees the mark on the brunettes hip.

"An infinity symbol with a star... Well this is interesting! Find out who does it belong to and identify the unknown persons in the video," Munakata says and the two clansmen walk away with a yes sir. They had a lot of work to do.

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