Part 14

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"Here it goes"

I pretended to have fear
I even painted my spare outfit, just in case
I saw Grace, who was talking with Chef
Then, Grace saw me
"Well, well, well, looks like you got your colours back, didn't you?" Grace said with a evil smirk
"Yes I did, and it's thanks to my new friends" I said with courage
"Oh, who are your new friends" Grace said, mysteriously
"Well, I guess you don't have any friends, besides you used to, and the was your parents" Grace said smirking evilly
I had it, I whipped my hair and started chocking her
"IF YOU DON'T LET THEM GO, YOU ARE GONNA HAVE A BAD TIME" I said filled with tears and anger
"And why would I do that" Grace said, losing her breathing
"Did you ever see me like this before, because if you didn't, you are gonna suffer, till you die..."I said smirking
I let her go
"Don't make me do it" I said with a warning voice
Grace backed up, and started running
"You shouldn't treat a fellow troll like that" the chef Bergen said, smirking
"Oh, you don't need to tell me what to do" I said
The chef Bergen almost grabbed me
Luckily I whipped my hair
And hung it on her hand
I brought her up,
She fell on the floor
and she passed out
Grace saw me
"Last time, Grace" I said with a warning voice
"Ok!! I'll let them go, but, I know who your friends are" she said with a evil grin
Then she hung all my friends with her hair
"Branch!! Snack pack!!" I said, worrying
"LAST CHANCE GRACE, LET THEM GO" I said with anger
"Ok then, let's settle this with a duel" she said
I made sure my hair was ready
"Bring it on"

Woah that was a long fighting chapter
Poppy is nothing like branch here
Instead she's tough and can give people a lot of pain
Don't make her mad

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