Little Verse

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AN: I wanted to try a little!verse story so. Ok littles (everyone listed in the list below) are 3 ft and under. There is babies (0-2), kids (3-6), big kids (7-12), teens (13-16) there are caregivers and gens. If this interests you, you should probably check out These Little Days on Archiveofourown, and SailorChibi on Archiveofourown. The Martinez
and Dobre twins and Alex are all kids, and Tessa is a big kid. Jake, Chance, Anthony, Tristan, Ericka and Chad are all caregivers. Nick, Max, Kade and Ray are gens. Also this like completely ignores the whole MT vs DT thing so sorry.

The twins were usually completely fine being left on their own, they knew what to touch, what not to touch, what to eat, what not to eat etc. At this very moment though they were tearfully clinging onto Jake's shirt as he tried to gently pry their tiny fingers off. Soon Anthony wandered over and picked the twins up settling one on each hip before waving goodbye to Jake. The two sniffled but settled into his arms easily enough.

"Ok, ready to go eat breakfast?" Anthony's questions was met with two headshakes and twin yawns. Gently, he hushed the boys murmuring, "No, none of that. You've gotta' stay awake today I'm sorry," Eventually Chance wondered over and Anthony silently praised the Lord for the extra help, he gratefully passed over Ivan and started bouncing Emilio when he started to fuss. The two Ohio boys walked with the small pair on their shoulders until they'd both started to giggle. Eventually they went off to find Ericka and Tessa. Tessa was pouting with her face scrunched up, on the verge of tears standing with her arms crossed next to Ericka. Ivan clumsily reached out to pat at her cheek in an attempt to comfort her while Emilio slurred out, "Wha's wong', 'Essa?" from around his thumb. Anthony frowned at the uncleanliness looking around for a pacifier, grinning and thanking Ericka when she handed one to him. Emilio immediately frowned as his thumb was pulled from his mouth, preparing to fuss about the injustice of it all when a pacifier was pressed to his lips, opening his mouth he gave a curious suck before letting out a content hum and settling back against Anthony.

Ericka answered Emilio's question running a hand down Tessa's head, "Someone didn't want to wake up this morning, so now she's grumpy," Ericka had dressed her in a long t-shirt with a smiling daisy on it, and black jean shorts with baby, blue converse. A quick glance at Emilio and Ivan showed they were wearing matching t-shirts with a soccer ball in the middle, black jeans, and their respective blue and red vans. After making sure the littles were all ready for the day Anthony, Chance, and Ericka headed out.

They decided to go to breakfast at a nearby restaurant, grabbing vlog cameras. They stopped to greet, and take pictures with fans. They eventually left that wormhole, and were stopped to be talked to by The Hollywood Fix. It was clear the littles were getting anxious, and he let them go with a smile.

They finally made it to the restaurant where the serving waitress who glanced down at the unsettled littles, and frowned. "You know there are plenty of little restaurants around, correct?" Anthony frowns, sharing an uneasy glance with Chance while bouncing Emilio a little bit. "I mean, yeah. But there's a whole group of us all ready, and more people are coming later. A little restaurant wouldn't really suit that," Ericka's slightly nervous laugh is the only flaw in the falsely sweet façade. "Well, okay. Just sit right here then! I'll get you some highchairs,"
   Jake eventually came into the restaurant hugging the Dobre twins to his chest. Tristan walked in soon after him with Alex on his shoulders. All the gens and caretakers pretended not to notice the disdainful looks they were getting as they settled the littles comfortably in their high chairs.
   Tessa balked at the high chair meant for her and turned big betrayed green eyes to Ericka. "I'm a big girl!!! I don't need a high chair,". Ericka sighed and explained it was just so she wouldn't hurt herself, or make a mess. Jake left her to deal with that train wreck waiting to happen and turned his attention to the littles who were sitting in his lap. Marcus had begun to attempt to pull himself onto his high chair (nearly giving Jake a heart attack when he noticed), and Lucas was clinging to the front of his jacket, and holding his twin's hand. Jake glanced over at Tristan to see if he was having any better luck with Alex. He was not. Jake prayed to any God that was listening that Ivan and Emilio were at least situated. He glanced over and almost cried in frustration when he saw that Anthony was holding a loudly protesting Emilio while Ivan desperately tried to get back to his brother from Chance's hold. Chance and Anthony were trying to calm him down, but as no one really knew how well the twins spoke English and how much they butchered it simply because they were littles it was hard to tell how calming it actually was for him.
   Finally, twenty minutes later all the littles were settled and the gens/care-takers could order their food. Jake was tasked with ordering for the Dobre twins (a hamburger they could share with a kid's/little's cup of milk for Marcus and Pepsi for Lucas), Anthony had to order for the Martinez twins (two plates of chicken tenders and a little's cup of coke for them both), while Tristan ordered a bowl of mac & cheese with water for Alex, and Ericka got Tessa a grilled cheese sandwich and some sprite. Soon their food was there, and they all dug in.
   After a while they left the restaurant littles securely holding a care taker's hand. Nick walked in front of them while Kade walked next to Jake, and happily accepted Lucas's hand when he let go of Jake's to grab on.
   The walk to their house wouldn't take incredibly long except a bunch of interviewers stopped them. Everyone sighed and bent down to pick up a little. Jake frowned as he saw the microphone being shoved into Lucas' face along with the questions he heard them asking. He bounced Marcus in an attempt to calm the boy from biting the reporter. "Do you regret leaving your family?!" "Do you miss them?" "Have you talked to them recently?!" All sure fire questions to upset them, Jake grunted leading Kade (and Lucas who was in his arms away) he stopped by the Martinez twins to listen to what the reporters had to say about them, no little's had started to cry yet so he counted that as a success even though Lucas looked on the verge of it."Do you think you'll ever speak fluent English?!" "How long has it been since you spoke to your family?" "Do you think you two being littles was the reason your dad left?" Jake felt his jaw start grinding together in anger, and heard Ivan start to cry. Ivan's crying set off Emilio who set off Lucas who set off Marcus. Jake frowned hurriedly bouncing the boys, and grabbing Chance and Anthony's arm pulling them with him. He caught up to Ericka and Tristan who both had an upset little in their arms as well. He heard cameras flashing and held back a groan, desperately trying to calm all the little's down. "What's got her so down?" Anthony inclined his head toward Tessa who had yet to stop sobbing. "Someone said she'd be a better dancer if she lost some weight," Ericka did not try to hide her snarl as she bounced Tessa up and down. Chance sighed before bowing his head towards Alex. Tristan paused in where he was making silly faces and answered, "Someone told him he wasn't cute enough to be a little model, and then someone else grabbed him when he wasn't paying attention to them," Jake heard someone gasp at the already developing bruise on the boys wrist.
   Jake and the others walked home thankfully unbothered, and put the little's to bed, despite the early hour as they'd all had a long day. He called Lucas and Marcus' parents and brothers and promised to have the boys FaceTime them when they woke up. Next he had Max phone Ivan and Emilio's mom and sister, while Ericka called Tessa's parents, and Tristan called Alex's mom. 
   When he woke up the next day he set up his camera and got all the littles to come in the room with him. He played with them for a while before sitting up, and addressing the camera. "Yesterday something happened that cannot happen ever again, even if it means I have to quit vlogging," He recounted the events and had Alex show his bruise to the camera before kissing it. Eventually he closed out his vlog and got the rest of Team 10 to take a relax day, and play with all the littles.

Martinez Twins//Team 10-Oneshots Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum