"Ms. Carter, you need to be working." He said actually sounding like I would listen.

"I can't." I replied quietly. Just leave me alone!

"And why's that?" He shifted his feet so he was leaning onto one side.

"Because I have math and its really hard." I admitted in shame.

I sensed his lips change from the hard firm line they were in to an amused smile. "Come to the main desk and I'll see what I can do to help."

I scoffed. I'm still not over the fact that he embarrassed me in class. But then again, I did insult him. But he deserved it.

"You need to work on something and I suggest it's something you need help on. That's why we have study hall."

"I'm a junior. I already know how this works." I said gravely as I grabbed my math book and stood up. "I'm going to the other rooms to see if I can get help there."

I left the room, steam coming out of the top of my head. I hate that he's giving me mixed signals. At first he says everything's inappropriate but now he's back to being nice and caring? The dude really is on his period.

I stopped in front of the next room and poked my head in to see if the other math teacher, Ms. Williams.

Ms. Williams is the other young teacher at the school. She's actually really pretty and nice when she wants to be. And that's only when she's around the hot guys and girls. Some of the guys actually refer to her as a second Megan Fox. And of course, she was surrounded by all of the jocks. I rolled my eyes and began walking back to my room. Ms. Williams was the only other math teacher in this study hall hour. And now I'd have to make up an excuse about how I figured it out and I'm fine.

When really, I'm not fine because I have a test next hour and I'm gonna fail!

Not even a full step into the room and I get bombarded by the Tanner inquisition.

"That was pretty quick." He commented as I passed the table he was sitting at.

"Yeah, turns out I wrote the wrong problem down." I smiled nervously.

He gave me a stale face and patted the table. "Get over here."

"No. I don't want to be embarrassed again."

His face and tone softened. "I'll show you that it's not as bad as you think it is. If you feel like I'm rushing you, then I'll stop."

I stopped and stood there contemplating whether or not I should go with him. It was like deciding whether or not to get free ice cream from the hot man in the car. I mean I know Isby would have my back if he tried to kidnap me (in this case, break my heart) so I wasn't really going to lose much.

"Fine." I lazily stomped over to him and dropped my book on the table. He pulled up a chair next to him and I cautiously sat down next to him.

He sensed that. "I'm not gonna rape you okay?"

My eyes flicked to his and felt a spark of amusement. His eyes were clouded with a cover of silliness.

I hate mixed signals.

"So what are you working on?" He asked.

I sighed. "Identities. I have a test next hour and I'm probably going to fail it." I stated the obvious. I opened up my book to the chapter on trig identities.

His hand brushed against mine as he moved the book towards him. I quickly looked the other way so my blush would vanish fast.

"Sam?" He used my first name. Wow.

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