You remember me.

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Callie's POV

Mom opened the door. Me and jude entered inside and threw our backpacks on the ground. We followed Mom into the kitchen. There was a boy about my age sitting on the chair. He stared at me with wide eyes. He had bruises on his face. Some cuts, he had one on his lip. He had green eyes and brown hair. Then it hit me, it's my first kiss Brandon. He definitely changed, he looks more manly. His muscles stood out of his shirt. Definitely not the boy that I met. Juvie can definitely change you, and your image. "He's going to be staying with us for a while, I was talking to Bill and he asked if Brandon could stay with us temporarily until he finds him a home." Mom said.

"These are my kids, kids this is Brandon." Mom said. We nodded.

"What happened to your face?" Jude said out of the blue. "Jude stop being mean to guests." I said.

I walked over closer to him, "Nice to meet you.." I said giving him a look. "Im Callie."

I took out my hand. He shook it. "Nice to meet you." He said. He squeezed my hand and smiled. I pulled my hand away and sat down at the table, in front of him. "When my wife Lena comes you will meet her, by the way where is she?" Mom said. "She's at a meeting, wont be home until six." Jude said.

"Well that means I'll have to order pizza." Mom said. "Yay!" Me and Jude said.

Brandon just looked down at his lap. Jude ran upstairs. "Callie why dont you show Brandon around?" Mom said. "Sure" i said. We got up from are chairs and walked into the living room.

"The living room" I said. "Umm.. There's a bathroom near the kitchen." I said. "I know I went inside" he said. We walked up the stairs and I stopped before I reached the top. I turned around and studied him. "You remember me dont you?" I asked. "You're the beautiful girl who gave me my first kiss before I went to Juvie." He said. I blushed. "I knew it was you, you're eyes and hair tell me all." I said.

"Can we not tell anyone we know each other? I mean, I dont want anyone to think I'm a dangerous person because I stabbed my foster brother." He said.

"You're not dangerous." I said. "Oh I am" he said. I placed my hand on his. "Well to me you're not." I bit my lip and turned back around. We walked inside my room. "My room." I said. There were books scattered on the floor, my bed sheets messed up. Pillows on the floor. My pj's thrown on my bed. "Nice room" he said. "Excuse the mess" I said. We walked out of the room and entered the office. "This is the room where you can do homework, read in peace. Work." I said. There was a couch, a small desk. A small tv attached to the wall, a bookshelf. A desk with a computer on top. We walked out of the room and entered the bathroom. He entered first and I closed the door behind me. "You didn't get raped in Juvie or did you?" I asked. "Thank god I didnt" he said.

"Good to hear" i said. "There are two other doors in this bathroom. One connected to the office and one connected to mine." I said. We walked out of the bathroom and entered Jude's room. Jude was sitting on his bed with his phone in his hands not noticing us. "Who are you texting bud?" I asked him. "None of your business, go with Wyatt." Jude said madly. I sat down next to him.

"I love you more than Wyatt Jude." I said. "Sure" he said sarcastically. "I promise." I say.

"Just please leave me alone." Jude said. I got up and me and Brandon left the room.

"Want to talk?" I ask. "Sure" He says. We go inside my room and I sit on my bed. Brandon stands at the end of my bed awkwardly. "Sit down." I say. He takes a seat on my bed in front of me.

"So you've been in Juvie for a year? How's it been?"

He shrugs, "Hard. As you see I got beet up there."

"Im sorry to here that, when I was in Juvie I got beat up too, Daphne was her name."

"Vico is his name, he's coming out soon. Hope I dont see him."

He placed his hand on his ribs. "They hurt." He says. I grab the hem of his shirt and pull his shirt up, up to his stomach. I see the bruises on his body. A lot. I slightly place my fingers on his skin touching one of his bruises delicately. He tenses up then calms down. He places his hand on top of mine and moves it guiding me to his other bruises. After what seems like forever he pulls his shirt back down and let's go of my hand. "Your touch soothes me." He says. I place my hand on his thigh. "Well when you need to be soothed, call me and I'll soothe you anytime." I said with a flirtatious smile on my face. He smirked at me. He placed his hand on my face and rubbed my cheek. I blushed. All of A sudden I remembered that I have a boyfriend Wyatt.

I moved his hand from my face. "I have a boyfriend." He has a disappointed look on his face. "Oh" is all he managed to say. "Im sorry-" I say. "I should go downstairs, check of the pizza's here. Let's just forget this ever happened." He said walking out of my room leaving me speechless.

I feel guilty because I led Brandon on and that I would cheat on Wyatt with Brandon. Thank god things didn't get out of hand. I would never imagine myself cheating on Wyatt but I can imagine myself being with Brandon.

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