Untitled Part 1

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A creepypasta written by Rhi the Hybrid,and WSubwoofer. 

It was a dark and stormy night. I was walking home from school, not paying attention to anything around me. Suddenly, I heard a twig snap behind me. I turned around, taken by surprise at the noise. There was an old man holding a box.

"Hi jimmy" said the old man.

I was surprised by this old man showing up at my porch all of a sudden. "You want a free video game?" He said to me.

"Ok" I said. "hat game?"

"Mcsm!" The old man said. He got on his knees." Please, PLEASE, just take it! PLEASE!!!!'mmmmmmmmmmmmm!!!!!!"

"I love mcsm, thanks" I said taking the box. My mom told me to never told me to take things from strangers, but something told me that I needed, no, I NEEDED to take this game. The old man stayed crying. "Than you....." he whispered.

I looked at the box. The cover had all of chare characters except for Jesse crossed out on it and jesse had red eyes. Petra seemed to be crossed out, along with Olivia and axel as well, and also the wankerstorm. I just thought it was an old game and took it inside. My house was eerily dark, and I plugged in the game into my gamecube that somehow ran pk games? The title screen was pitch black in times new roman, and it the font was red. Like it was.......blood!!!,!!!!!!1!

I thought it was just a glitch tho.! I scremed, but I wanted to continue on. Soon enough, hyoerreslistic blood leaked from the font, and then the words "Jesse.exe appeared. I laughed because I felt stupid that I fell for something like this.

It went to the title screen. The sky was black and it was raining blood and the music was in reverse slowed down. There was only one episode titled "the end. I selected it and the screen went red. There was a scream. I screamed, and did a backflip, because I took gymnastics when I was 3. (Take THAT. Cody!!!!!)

Then jeses voice spoke. "Your gonna die, jimmy"

Wait, how did he know my name!??? I thought it was a glicth and I didnt turn the game off. Then the screen cut to Petra in a dark cave lookinga round neverously. "Jesse?" Petra said. She looked scarsd. Then there was a voice behind her. It said "look out petra your gonna die!!"

There were three options to talk. One said "im not sxared" the second one said "Go away please!" and the third one said "Jesse dont!" I chose "Jesse dont". "Jesse don't" Petra said.

Jesse laughed and appeared behind petra. He had red eyes and there was blood on his shirt ahd face and he was smiling evily. He stabed petra in the chest. As petra died, hyparreal blood pored out of her neck!!!!!!!!!!!! Petra gagged and then her head rolled awry into the derknesh.

"OMG nooooooooooooooo patra no!" I yelled. "My fav CHARActer" (get it, CHARA??????? From undatail,?????)

"Ur next jimmy" Jesse said to the scream. I screamed and did three somersaults in the air before landing on my deet. ( yeah, I took gymnastics!!!!!!?) I got back to the controller

S ad played some more, thinking it was a glitch.

Kesse looked at me again, hyerrelistic blod leaking from his eyes. "Ur next jimmy"

I scremed and did a front flip into the tv. It almost broe but it didnt but i kept plaing. Jesse went over to axel in the cave next, who's fishbowl was completely red with blood!!!!!!!!!! And he was half ded. Ral ded. Axel begged jesse not to kill him.

"Silly axe" Jesse said. "I alreayd killed petra" axel started criing. "No!!!!!!!!!!!!" He screamed

He shot Axel in the head with claws, the talons shitting outat him. There was hyperrelistic guys everywhere,, along with............ BLoOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

"Woah" i said "jesi kiled axel!"

Then jesse smiled at the screen and tp'd awi. I smiled again. At least he was gone now. But then ther was olivia in the treehouse, but the treehouse was covered in... fire.............. And dust and blod!

I was confuaed why was jese killing all of his friends? It didnt make senc. But then Olivi screamed as jece stabbed him in the thot with his knife!! Real RAL blood dripped out! REAL! :OOOOOOOO

The blood dropped out of the screen!!!!!!! I screamed and dropped my wii controller on the ground as jese laughed. "Ah olivia was always annoying."

I did three side flips before picking my controller back up. (did i mention i do gymnastics?!?!?!??!?) i was scurd! This wasnt any normal mcsm game! What did the old woman give to me!>!?!?!??!??!

Jeke tpd to lookarse and straight *dunked* him into lavahhhhhhhhhh! Thank came the blewd!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The blood spewed everywhere out of the tv onto me!!!!!!!!!!! I scremd again. Lukas' skeleton was in the lava as it melted. Jesse had black and red eyes now as he watched lukas die in the lava. He laughed evily.

There was only one left, ivor. Jesarse would kill it! Ah nooooooooo!

Ivor was scurd in the nether. He had a baseball bat in his hands in his hand as he was crying.

"Jesse please dont kill me!!!!!" ivor said.

"Why would I listen to you? Muahahahaha" Jesse said.

"Im ur father!" ivy yelled.

Jakarse had none of it and used spoopy powers to brooooohtahllah mardar ivr.

Everyone died.


The screen went black and thwe font said in red letters in comac sanzz "Your next, jimmy."

I screamed and did seven backflips before doing a handstand. I took the game out and threw it in the trashcan. Evil game!!!

But the thing exploded... with me by it. Im now the new jesse.exe... A N D T H O S E P E O P L E I N T H A T P O R T A L A R E N E X T...

The end.......... FOR NOW.......!!!!!!

  (wankerstorm by heroeta)  

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 15 ⏰

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