Chapter 17 Beach Party Part 1

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I don't know what to think about Cain anymore. I avoided him all week at school because I didn't want to talk to him. Everything he told me Sunday just mounted against him......I didn't hear anything about him and Amy all week so I guess he was telling me the truth about that, but he was a jerk to me since I even came to this school. I thought that was just because I was the new kid, though. Maybe Cain is just the all around bad-boy and maybe I don't need to associate myself with someone like him. HE's just a bad inluence....I guess

I sighed in frustration as Emily drove towards the beach site. We, meaning Emily, Brittany, and me, decided that we would head to the beach early to set everything up. Amy wanted to come, but all three of us knew that she would bring her lackeys and there would be no room for me and Brittany. Well, they'll be room for one of us, but it would be torture to sit with those three.

Emily glanced once at me as we neared our destination. "Irene? You okay, girlie?"

I ran my hand through my short black hair and stared through the windshield glass at the cars passing us on either side. "Emily, it's just a lot of things, you know. My parents, the move, this school, Jonathan, Kastie, Cain." I sighed once more and leaned my head against the window. "I honestly can't even stand Amy....she's just another Kastie."

Emily let out a chuckle but kept her eyes glued to the road. She is such a good driver. "Oh, Iri. First things first; Your parents are douches, okay? Second; I'm pretty sure your aunt is an awesome person and this school will become home. I know you never cared about graduating from the same school, just the graduating with your friends. Look, we're all here! Third; As soon as Jonathan messes up, kick his ass to the curb and don't even think twice about it. I meant it! And kick Kastie's ass!! You need to, she deserves it!!!!"

I laughed right out loud at Emily and Britany must have been paying attention to this part of the conversation because she also joined in my laughter. "I think you forgot one thing: I can't fight."

Emily sighed and let out a chuckle. " I'm pretty sure you would know how to fight when the time comes. As for Cain, I think he's just confused. Maybe he's just a guy who doesn't know how to fully express his feelings. I think that everything is just going too fast for him and he can't quite keep up. Know what I'm saying?"

I sighed again and looked ahead at the road once more. "I guess...But he's still so confusing."

Emily chuckled once again and it was silent the rest of the way to the beach, but it wasn't an uncomfortable silence.


When we arrived at the the beach, part of it was completely deserted. Aunt Ry called in advance to make sure that we actually had a place to throw a beach party. Decorations were pretty much covered, but Emily and Britanny deserted me to go add some more stuff and add some more flare. Typical them, everything just had to be perfect.

As for me, I made my way to the DJ booth that was set up for the party. I immediately found the Ipod jack and stuck my ipod in. I pressed the shuffle icon and made sure the volume was turned up. Music set.

Next, I made my way to an empty table and started setting up more snacks. I'm surprised Britanny and Emily didn't do it themselves.We had everything from healthy snacks to the downright sugary and greasy snacks. On my end, it seems everything is just fine so I go and get ready for the beach party.


Emily and Brittany joined me in the beach restrooms after they double checked everything. I decided to put some small curls in my hair and they had no objections. The only thing that had a problem with was my teal colored skinnies and my white bunny shirt with my white sandles. They immdediately dished out their whole entire wardrobes looking for an outfit for me to wear. We all eventually agreed on a a short red shirt with a white trim, a white shirt with red flowers trailing from the center of the shirt to the edeges, and my white sandles. My makeup only consisted of foundations, lipgloss, and a little eyeshadow. Or it was supposed to. Emily added eye liner and mascara. After that I quickly gathered my stuff and scurried out the bathroom before they could do anything else.

Upon exiting the bathroom, I noticed that people have already started arriving. Amy and her crew were scattered about. Amy was talking to Cain who seemed to be paying no attention to her what-so-ever. Cain was wearing his usual band T-shirt and pants minus his leather jacket. Amy was wearing a short skirt and a tight purple top. Nathaniel had his attention on the punch bowl. Lysan seemed like he was setting up band eqiupment. Jonathan and Kastie were talking to Lea and Charmen, Amy's crew, and it seems all three were flirting heavily with Jonathan.

I glared at the four and started to make my way over to Jonathan. As I got closer to him I caught his attention and decided to turn to head towards to Cain. As I approached Cain and Amy, Amy gave me her usual glare. I paid absolutely no attention to her and focus on Cain. "What band is playing? I don't remember booking anybody, if I remember correctly?"

"I would like to know that too," Amy piped in. Maybe I should listen to Emily and Brittany and just give her one good pop in the mouth.

Cain looked at me with a smirk and gestured towards Lysan and I immediately thought about an earlier conversation we had about a band that he, Lysan, and Lysan's borther had put together. I smiled at the thought of hearing Lysan sing and Cain play guitar. "Oh, never mind. I can't wait to hear this unnamed band play." I smirked at Amy and left to go steal Jonathan away from the three girls. I know Jonathan is hot but GEEZ! Can't these girls keep their hormones in their pants!

As I approached the group I immediately slinked my arm around Jonathan's waist and stood on my toes for him to kiss me easier. I admit it, I liked to make some girls jealous, but what's mine is mine, no matter how temporary. When I pulled back from the kiss, I noticed that several more people had arrived and I had a full blown party on my hands. Someone had pressed play on my Ipod and Super Massive Black Hole by Muse blasted through the speakers I had set up. I looked up at Jonathan and smiled. "Dance with me please?!"

I didn't have to ask twice. Jonathan practicallt dragged me towards the music. Time passed as we basically danced the night away. Soon I decided to set things up for the night I had planned. I hope everything goes a smoothely as planned. This is a really big night for me. What am I thinking?

*Picture of Johnathan to the side*

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