E D I T O R ' S N O T E

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I just came back after about 6 days of really bad wi-fi connection, saw that I have atleast 4 requests to do. I accepted it just last night and started working on it this morning.

But what I found out seriously bugged me, there are shop-hoppers on my shop. They probably didn't even read the rules that says 'no to double requestors' that also includes trible, quadruple etc.

I am disappointed when I check their activities, they commented forms on other shop after going to mine, 1 even gor hers completed. The other commented on PPH, a team I am a part of, wasn't accepted.

Its just, you guys don't understand how hard it is for us to make covers. Its not just ta da and its done, no its a lot more complicated. We put our time and effort there, made it a priority and actually wasted skills on it and what? The requestor request to another. That is not only rude, but total disregard to us. You must remember that before requesting, you must read the rules, almost all shop prohibits shop-hoppers. Yet people still do it. I'm not gonna let it slide, I hope you understand my side, its hard for me to accept this, I do not deserve this.

So, @knockoutlou and @geoztic I am banning you to this shop.

Look, it doesn't matter if you requested here in my shop first and after a day go to another. Learn to wait, I was only gone for 6 days?! Even in that time period, you should still wait, maybe because something happened, or what not. We don't always have good wifi connections.

I'm not gonna post the screenshot but you know what you did. This is why I stopped editing for other people and just make covers for myself.

I hope you understand my step.

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