You stood back and waited as he unlocked the door for you.

"This is the bedroom!" He introduced. Like the key for the door, this room was in a surprisingly good condition. There was only small quantities of dust scattered on the wooden flooring. There was a single bed with a white mattress, white pillow and white sheets pressed up on the left side of the room, and opposite it on the right was a closet. The closet was a little beaten, and the bed sheets had one or two stains, but overall it wasn't too shabby. You wouldn't think it was part of the same house if you had seen the rooms separately.

"Hey, this is pretty good." You complemented genuinely. "It's amazing that you found a way to keep this room so clean after so many years."

Steadily, you walked around the room inspecting everything. There wasn't much to look at, so you were instantly drawn to the closet. You stepped over to it and cautiously opened the doors, not wanting to break the rotting wood, to find lots of clothes. Running a hand through them, you took notice on how most of them were trench coats and polo shirts. Up the top of the closet was about twenty different coloured ties, and even a dicky bow.

"Woah. You're pretty classy, huh?" You asked the doll. He turned to you, seeing you going through his old clothes.

"Yeah I was. Looks like I've downgraded to baby clothes" he joked, referring to his overalls that were patterned with childish items like a hammer and a hard hat. You took one of his shirts from the hanger, staring it up and down and inspecting the label. It read 'X large' in length.

"You're pretty tall, huh?" You commented, getting this information from his clothes size. Chucky huffed out.

"Again, I was. Now I'm a fuckin' pocket sized slasher." He grumped. You laughed lightly and carefully hung the shirt back on the metal pole suspecting the clothing. You were about to turn when your eyes caught onto something sitting on the closet floor. Chucky wasn't watching you as you bent over and lifted it up.

"What's this?" You mumbled. It was a weird little stuffed toy with sewn on blue eyes. It had a shirt and tie on, black shoes, and there was long, wavy brown hair made out of string sewn onto its head. There was a little hole in its chest and shoulder. "Hey Chucky, what's this!"

The doll turned around, and instantly looked crazed and panicked as he saw the strange doll in your hands.
"Fuck!" He yelled as he sprinted over to you with worry evident in his eyes. That caused you to panic too. "GIVE IT TO ME!"

He reached you and began jumping up and down for it, clawing for it.

Startled, you quickly passed it down into his outstretched hands, and he protectively cradled it in his arms. You quirked a brow at his more than weird behaviour. "What's the big deal?"

"What's the big deal? What's the big deal?!" He growled at you, "do you know what this is?What it's capable of?"

You shook your head. "No! Why would I know?"

He held the doll out to you so you could get a closer look at it, but didn't want you to touch it or take it, and that was made clear by his tightened grip on it. "This right here is a voodoo doll. But it's not just any old voodoo doll, oh no. It's special."

"Special how?" You thought aloud.

"This is a voodoo doll of me. Human me." That sentence made you see everything completely differently, and you looked at the doll in a different way now. It was weird, to suddenly find out what he truly looks like.

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