Hiding her inner battle away, she made her way over to the window that was bound with splintery wood that had to be at least a few decades old. It wrapped it tightly and it did not appear like it was going to yield to her easily.

Taking her weapon, Sif slowly began to use the blade to pull the nails from the boards, careful not to harm herself while doing so. The time it took to remove all four nails was painstakingly long, she feared Loki would return before she could finish the task, but thankful, he had not. She knew not the amount of time she had remaining but she did not wish to find out, an enraged god was not something she wanted to be in the crosshairs of.

She reached her hand to push the window open but found that, it too, had been locked and bounded with several chains.

A low growl sounded in her throat as she began to grow increasing irritated at all of the precautions he had gone through to make sure she was fully contained and incapable of the sweet salvation of an escape.

Her only remaining option was to smash through the window, one that she did not like at the least, smashing that window meant that Loki would come for her sooner and her time would be extremely limited. It would be a matter of seconds until he would be on her trail, sniffing out her scent like a bloodhound searching for a wanted criminal, the very thought made her cringe.

Sif took the time to catch a few breaths before she picked up one of his very large tomes, knowing that in a few moments she wouldn't be able to breathe at all. She weighed the book in her one free hand before she readjusted her grip on the deadly knife in her other hand, readying to use it to tread down the palace wall.

After one more second she tossed it harshly at the window, the shattering of the well made glass ringing in her ears as she did. Sif quickly ran at the window and watched as both the tiny transparent shards and the dark green colored historical book hit the concrete below with a loud clash of sounds.

She swung one leg over the window, not caring if the remaining pieces cut through her skin, now all that mattered was survival, there was absolutely no going back now, she had literally thrown that chance out of the window. It hurt more than she wanted to admit but she simply bit her tongue to try and cope with the pain.

As she dug her dagger into the outside of the building's wall, a male voice yelled in complete and utter rage and was soon followed by a very loud slam of a door that sounded to be only several floors below her. Each and every one of his footsteps traveled through all of the hallways and corridors as he stomped through them, clearly evident that he was making his way to his room, all of his attentions focused on the mighty warrior that had gotten under his skin for the last time.

Sif closed her eyes for a milli of a second to try and refocus herself on the task, trying to block out the sociopath that happened to be coming at her.

After opening them, she kicked her last leg over the ledge, leaving her dangling off the side of the golden palace but somehow she had not found herself frightened, only more determined to get the news to Thor for the sake of her and the citizens of Asgard's lives.

She dug her fingers and the tips of her boots onto ridges and holes, retracting her knife and placing it lower, in fast and swift movements she repeated each step over and over again until she found herself frozen in place.

Loki stood just in front of his window, leaning over the edge to peer angrily at her, his nostrils flaring and teeth bared at her as he did.

"Sif! I gave you a chance to stay put and do as you were told but since you decided you would very much rather defy me, I will have you bound with chains and placed in the darkest corner of the dungeon!" His threatening sentence came out as a low growl as he spoke through his gritted teeth, his cool blue eyes raging like a forest fire. She took an extra second to examine him further she noticed his chest heaved furiously and his hands were gripped onto the frame of his window so tight that his knuckles were a ghostly white.

She could not help but scoff at him, "You are the one to blame! You should have known I would never give up and submit willingly to you! I am a warrior, am I not?" Sif risked a glance down to study the distance between her and the ground before she stared back up at him defiantly.

Sif was taken aback by how quickly his demeaned had changed, it had gone from enraged to extremely amused and then to a mixture of the both, a chemical mixture, and she had not liked the looks of it at all.

"I 'knew' you would, it's in your nature, it was truly only a matter of time before you did.. I had not, however, expected this nice little game you have created. It should provide at least a few hours of entertainment before it is fully over.. the fun can always continue after I catch you.." The smirk that had only recently made an appearance onto his lips had widened after his last comment, knowing she knew exactly what he meant. Her practically spat each word at her, emphasizing each and every syllable. He found it was incredibly amusing to toy with her even when he was seething with anger and he did not want that to change any time soon.

After breathing a few more steady breaths in preparation for what she was about to do, she gripped onto the wall of firmly as she could of possibly gripped it, quickly withdrawing her dagger from it and throwing it at Loki, hoping that by some miracle it would strike him.

Not taking the time to watch how it played out, she let go of the wall and fell onto the concrete below, ignoring the sudden sting from both the drop and the glass shards that had managed to pierce through her armors and leathers.

As she scrambled to her feet, she looked up just long enough to catch sight of Loki holding her knife just inches from his face, clearly obvious that he had caught it and she had not even come close to hitting him with it.

He made a loud clicking noise with his tongue as he peered down at her, his anger still quietly boiling inside, "Sif.. I will make sure your punishment will not hurt as much as I had originally planned if you give up now. But if you do not.. I fear for what may happen to you."

She turned her head to peer at him while she continued to run in the direction of the bifrost, staring at him long enough to catch sight of a slowly growing grin painted onto his expression, it wasn't that that frightened her, it was the silent promise of what was to come in the future.

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