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Hi guys, so my other ~Dremione~ Fanfic wasn't really working out so I decided to have another go with a new idea! Thank you so so so much for reading if you did, and please be sure to leave reviews, I don't mind criticism, in fact it encourages me to do better so please feel free to say what you like! Again thank you! ~Leah~

Hermione' POV 

"Ahh" I screamed, as I woke up,  warm tears streaming down my cheeks. I sat up rather quickly in my bed breathing heavily, Molly Weasley came running in with her sleeping mask wrapped in her hair like a head band, "are you alright dear?" Molly said out of breath from running all the way down stairs from her bedroom, "yes yes, just another nightmare, Molly" I said calmly, only just realizing myself that the horror I had just expirenced was in fact just a nightmare, "your parents?" Molly asked sympathetically, she walked over to the orange coloured sofa I had been sleeping on and sat herself next to me and put her warm hand on my back, "I just want them back", I said sobbing, "oh, Hermione", molly wrapped her arms around me and pulled me into a warm hug,"I'm so so sorry" Molly said before planting a kiss on my forehead, "I can't return to Hogwarts tomorrow like this, Molly!" I said completely forgetting that I would be starting my seventh  and last year of Hogwarts the very next day, "listen to me hermione, tomorrow you are going to get up, you are going to eat breakfast, you are going to pack your things and you are going to make your way to the train station with, Ginny, Ron, Georg fre-and, Harry and you are going to kick those bloody nightmare's arse, do you understand, Hermione?" She stated I nodded and layed back down on the fluffy sofa and attempted and succeeded to drift off.

"Hermione!" Ron shouted from the kitchen, "what?" I yelled back while packing the last of my things into my bag ready for Hogwarts, "Mum wants to know if you want, jam toast, of toasted waffles for breakfast!" Ron explained  yelling louder than necessary, "tell her I'm not hungry, but thank you" I yelled back, Ron walked into the living room and stood in front of me, I didn't look away from my bag but I could feel his scowl, "can I help you, Ronald?" I sighed while deciding wether to take my Shakespeare collection or not, "you can't skip another meal, Hermione" Ron said in a soft but stern  voice, "I'll eat when we arrive at Hogwarts" I said calmly and looked up at him with a smile, it was rather odd seeing, Ron about three feat taller than me, of course he isn't but I was sitting in a small chair organizing my bags, "Hermione, that's bloody Elleven hours away" Ron said more firmly this time, with a scowl no-one but I knew 

 "Ronald you are not my father, I can take care of my bloody self!" I snapped, and stood up from my chair pushing him aside making my way to the door entrance when, Harry stepped in blocking my way, "good morning morning, Harry" I said with a smile pretending that nothing out of the ordinary was happening,  and started to continue to push past him though he wasn't going to let me go anywhere anytime soon, and he surprisingly has a much stronger grip than I do, "I don't think so, Hermione" Harry said sternly, with a scowl that yet again only I could recognize, "what are you- I started

 "look in the bloody mirror, Hermione" 

Ron said pulling my hand towards the body length mirror next to the plummy orange sofa I had been sleeping on this Morning, he pushed me towards it, I looked at what seemed to be my reflection, But I didn't see, Hermione Granger, 

I saw a bony skinny looking girl with  large bags under her eyes, I saw a rather unattractive girl in front of me a girl who did not look like myself at all, I looked down at my feet, both, Harry and, Ron were standing either side of me, Harry had his hand on my left arm and, Ron had his on my right side,

 "look, Hermione" Harry said sadly, "I looked, Harry" I snapped, still looking into my reflection in the mirror, "you're not healthy" Ron said

, "I'm quite fine, Ronald" I said not bothering to smile, "Hermione! Just listen to us, you're not bloody healthy and you haven't been for the past eleven months!" Harry almost shouted making me wince, "Hermione, you can't even walk down the hall without needing to sit down afterwards so that you don't bloody pass out" Ron intervened, "just eat something...please" Harry said after calming down, then a few moments later, Ginny, George, Molly and Arthur were all in the living room looking sympathetic towards me, "you all planned this didn't you?" I asked quietly, looking away from the mirror and at the Weasley she in front of me,  "something had to be done love" Arthur said walking over to me putting his hand on my shoulder and gave it a slight squeeze, "even if you just have a peace of toast, at least it's something" Molly said, "OK" I said "Her-Harry started "wait what?" He finished, "I'll eat something" I said genuinely wanting to help myself, I haven't looked at my reflection in a long time, I hadn't seen how awful looking I had become, and to think I would be going to Hogwarts like this in less than half an hour, Molly came over to me and gave me a slight squeeze then left to the kitchen to what I assume is to get me something that I'll have to eat, "I love you guys" I said which put a smile on everyone's faces. A few moments later, Molly came in with a plate of toast. After I had eaten the toast, Harry and, Ron were much less upset with me, and, Ginny could actually look at me without crying. "Right!, Weasleys!, Potters! And Grangers!" Arthur shouted from the front door, "off we go kiddos!".

After a while of waiting at Platform nine and three quarters, the train to Hogwarts finally arrived, I looked over To, Ron and, Harry who looked so excited to be returning to Hogwarts where it would really be safe. We entered the train and found an empty compartment and the four of us, me, Ginny, Ron, and, Harry enetered the compartment and shortly after all of the returning students were safely in their compartments, the train began it's long gurney. I was sitting next to Ron, across from, Harry and, Ginny who were snogging, as usual, "Bloody hell, Harry!" Ron said putting his hand over his face, "could you stop bloody swallowing my sister's face right in front of me?" Ron asked distressed but they continued kissing each other moving only when they slid their hands in each other's hair, "Bloody hell" Ron said sounding like he was going to cry, "I'm just going to nip to the loo" I said smiling at, Ron, "you sure you can get up?" Ron  asked no longer concerned about his sanity but my safety, "I ate, Ron" I said sternly, he put his hands up in surrender and then he backed off  and I stood up feeling extremely dizzy, but I didn't want to show that, considering I just snapped at Ron for this reason, I made my way out of the compartment and down the train, getting more dizzy after every step, I was so distracted and disorientated that I had fallen into someone, it must have been somebody strong because they didn't fall with me they had caught me and stood me up straight, "Bloody watch where you're going, Granger" a harsh voice spat, followed my female laughter, I opened my eyes to find that the dizziness I had that had caused me to fall over into this strange person was gone now, and to my surprise the person stood before me the person who had caught me was, Draco Malfoy, who was scowling down at me, and the female laughter must have come from, Pansy Parkinson because she was right beside him snorting at me while hanging off of, Malfoy's Slytherin Robes, "well, you look like hell" Pansy said giggling followed with various pig sounding snorts, "indeed, tell me, Granger? Had trouble eating?" Malfoy said coldly, and of course followed by Pansy's repulsive laugh, if you could even call it a laugh, "funny" I said sarcastically, and weekly pushed myself past the two Slytherins and made my way to the train's bathroom, "Where are you going so soon" Pansy asked in a fake winey voice, "are you going to purge, Granger?" Malfoy asked sarcastically, I ignored the stinging feeling in my throats urging me to cry like the emotional mess I am, "why do you say that, Ferret?" I asked as I straightened myself, "oh my bad, I suppose Mudbloods choose the easy way" Malfoy mocked, I laughed at him sarcastically and made my way to the bathroom leaving the two evil Slytherins to continue to whatever it was they were doing.

"He said what?!" Ron said seeming rather vexed about what I had told him, "that's all he said" I muttered, "it's not like you're bloody anorexic or anything" Ron said madly, "I think that's where you're wrong, Ronald, just because I'm not doing it to be thin doesn't mean it's not anorexia, now can we please drop the subject?" I murmured, "fine" Ron muttered, "look!" Ginny said excitedly pointing out the window, "we're here!" Harry gasped.

OK, so how did you like it? The rest of my chapters will have at least four thousand words but this is just to get the story going, again please leave a review with your oppinions! Thanks! ~Leah~

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