I opened my lips to say something when a shout caused me to turn my head. “Hey! What are you doing!” Alec came storming down the hall. 

I flinched back automatically at the look on his face. Unconsciously cringing away from him as fear seemed to grasp me. “It’s okay Alec!” Hayden shouted trying to calm him down when he saw my fear. 

Blake is here, he’ll protect you. A voice in my head reminded me and I realised I had nothing to fear. Confidence filled me and I stood up straighter, though it was nothing compared to his 6’1. “That’s what I should be asking!” I demanded. “Why are you here? Do you know what you did to Alexis!” 

Pain flashed through his face before a blank look replaced it. “So?” I glared at him, anger pumping my veins. “Is that all you have to say for yourself! So! Do you know how much pain she went through! She didn’t sleep or eat for days! Do you understand just how much it hurt her!” 

He glared at me. “You think I don’t know!” He exploded. “You think I wanted to say that! I’m pro- why am I even talking to you about this!” 

I tried to control my rage, before calmly saying. “Then why did you say it?” Suddenly he looked vulnerable, lost, before the guard came back. “I don’t need to explain myself to you! Hayden! Let’s go!” 

I was about to press on when a demanding voice spoke behind me. “Bella! Leave them!” I turned around confused and I could hear the two pairs of feet run off behind me. “Why’d you let them go Blake?” 

His forehead creased in worry lines, and I had an urge to smoothen them out. “You wouldn’t have gotten anything out of him, anyway we have more pressing matters.” He sighed. 

That got my attention, “what?” Inclining his head for me to walk with him, I took his hand in mine. “A few wolves have been spotted in my territory without my permission. But they aren’t rogues, they’re from the Red Howl pack. I’ve asked the Alpha to come here and explain why his wolves are here.” 

My eyes widened and I pushed my hands on his chest to stop him moving. “Does that mean I’ll have to be there?” I said slowly.

He looked confused, “yeah. What’s wrong?” He asked when he saw my expression. “What if it turns out bad? I’ve never done anything like this! I can’t do it! I’ll just ruin everything.” I ranted. “Sshh,” he interrupted. “You are my mate, destined to be the Alpha Female of this pack, you will be fine. You were born to lead.” 

I looked at him doubtfully but it gave me a slight encouragement. “I-I’ll believe you this time.” I smiled. 

He chuckled, planting a kiss on my lips. His tongue sweeping against me lower lip causing me to open my mouth as he slipped his tongue. He tasted so good, my hand were tugging lightly at his black hair. I moaned and pushed myself closer to him, if it was even possible. 

His hands slipped down to my butt and gave a squeeze causing a gasp to escape. Luckily the bell rang causing me to jump away from him in fright, otherwise I don’t know how far we would’ve gone. 

I wasn’t sure if I was ready to go all the way. But this was Blake, I loved him. We’ll take it slowly, one day at a time. We’ll see how it ends up. 

“So when’s the meeting?” I asked, swinging our clasped hands. “Tomorrow morning.” He nervously replied. 

I stopped dead in my tracks, stunned. “What!” I mean I’m ready for this but I wasn’t expecting it so soon! He winced, and I couldn’t help but feel bad. “You know what!” I said. 

“What?” He said slowly as if expecting bad news. “I’ll do this. For the pack. I am their Alpha Female, your mate and I will do my role. I’m part of your family now.” I said as the last words turned into murmurs. 

“Yes you are. Your our family now, Bella.” He whispered happily. “Mine.” 

I smiled at his words, giving him a kiss. Kissing him felt amazing, I could’ve probably done it all day if I wouldn’t have passed out from lack of oxygen. 

“But we’re going on a date tonight, you pick the place.” I demanded. “I need it.” 

I guess he heard something in my voice that made gaze soften, lovingly. “Alright, whatever you want.” 

Those 3 words ringing in my head held so much meaning. They were meant for that one person standing in front of me, and I don’t know if I could ever grasp just how much he means to me. 

“I love you.” 

The Alpha Saved Me (Editing And Revising!)Where stories live. Discover now