And They Crossed Paths

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Rishab paced in his luxury suite as he thought about what had to be done. He had gone for an exhibition conducted by the ship’s captain and happened to come across this note that was placed as a mast of a ship inside a small bottle. Intrigued, he took it out to know what was inscribed on it and found these weird lines. He was in love with mysteries and could never ignore even the little things that had a slightest touch of it. He had enquired about the note to the captain who had informed him that it must’ve been left by one of their earlier or foremost passenger. The fascination towards those lines had made them keep the note. Rishab sighed as he ran his fingers over the note.

“not a treasure nor a gold quest, its my security for the coming rest of my daughter dearest. Locked with three, lays the claim. My sunshine lives upon all the keys.  Amidst the hunter and the guardians , it says my name.  unlock the shell , let darkness fade away as my wealth resides within my family”

He sat on his bed staring at the quite very old note in his hand. The cruise was no more the same unofficial one. He felt so. He wanted to put it off to a corner and resume his vacation mode, but the signature and a sign (of arrow and sun) which he felt familiar ,at the right end of the note wasn’t helping him a bit with that decision. It kept pulling him onto it, calling upon his investigative mind.
After few minutes, he heard his phone singing . straightening up, he attended the call. It was his mother. “Rishu when will you reach? I’m missing you so much” he heard his mom’s longing tone. “I’ll be there in a day mom. Don’t worry. We will celebrate your birthday together. I promise. I’ll be getting off at the next harbor and then straight to maasi’s home. You both prepare my favorite dishes for tomorrow. I’ll be famished by the time I reach” he said. “You don’t need to teach your mother to feed her son. Just come home soon and safe.” She chided lovingly. “yes my darling. I will.” He cut the call and stared at the phone with a fond smile. He was going to put all these behind for the time being and make his mother’s birthday special.

Madhu was happily walking along the busy street. It had become a bit foggy as winter was just at the doorstep. Even the lightest breeze came to feel very cold. People were immersed in their daily chores, kids where running around, shops were opening up. The sun had just started showing up more. She reached the shelter home and checked the time. It was about to be 8 in the morning. The shelter home was a two storied building with ten rooms including the main hall, where they housed the orphan kids and homeless women. It also had a hall seperated by a long narrow corridor. It was converted into a library by madhu' s mother padmini and she looked after It after her mother's demise. The building once belonged to her grandfather and after his death, her father gave it away to the humanity trust. She was also in charge of this place.
“good morning aunty” she wished revathy, the caretaker as she opened the door for Madhu. “good morning beta, you’re early today” she stated looking at the clock. “I had gone for a walk early morning and its my way back” she said treading towards the kitchen to make coffee.  It was her routine to make the morning coffee for all the shelter home members. She had her breakfast amid them and after spending ample time with them she decided to leave for home. She had to open the day care. “day after tomorrow is mia’s birthday.” Revathy reminded her. “yes I remember aunty. I’ve even ordered for the cake too. “she replied cheerfully. “the kids are planning something” revathy added. “we discussed about it. They will put up some games by the time we prepare for cake cutting and dinner”, “ok then. Even Jhansi will be here by tomorrow” she said following Madhu to the door. “that’s great. Why didn’t you tell me before. Even she didn’t inform me about it”, “because we wanted to surprise you. But yesterday she called saying that the bus she booked cancelled their trip due to the weather and she will be coming by train. So you’ve to go pick her up from the station. That’s why telling you now” Madhu giggled hearing that. Jhansi was revathy’s daughter who worked in the city. She was the only close friend Madhu had. the day went uneventful for Madhu with her looking after the kids in the day care with the help of her assistant nancy. She returned home tired after the day.

“is the cake ready?” Rishab asked the baker on his phone. “ok. I’ll be there in a bit” he said cutting the call. “maasi, I’m going to get mom’s cake. You set the table by then” he said as he wore his coat. “ok rishu. Drive carefully. The roads are slippery” meera said from the kitchen. “will do”.

“jass, the cake’s ready. I’ll go get it. Keep check on the cupcakes. They’ll be ready within minutes. Don’t wait for too much time and get it burned” Madhu told her friend Jhansi while grabbing the keys of her mini cooper. “yes boss. Come back soon” Jhansi said aloud from the kitchen. “will do”

Rishab paid for the cake and was about to leave when he dashed on another customer. She lost her balance and was about to fall back when he held her hand preventing her fall. They where lost in each other’s eyes for a moment before coming back to reality. He steadied her, helping her to her feet. “I’m sorry” both muttered at the same time. Rishab grinned while she smiled back embarrassed. “I’m sorry. I should’ve looked behind before turning back” he said apologetically to which she shook her head. “it’s not your fault. Even I should’ve seen. Thanks for helping me up” she said. Realizing that the time was running late, they picked up their cakes and left the bakes store .

“happy birthday mia? Oh no! they have written the name wrong” meera exclaimed. Hearing her Rishab came to check. “the cake has been replaced or maybe got exchanged. I had ordered mom’s favorite Chocó chip pastry cake. This one is black forest” he said. “now what can we do?” meera quizzed. “I’ll go check the bakes whether the cake is still there or not. If not then I’ll get a new one” he said putting the cake back in the packet. “but that will take time. I’ll just replace the cream and write radha’s name with chocolate syrup on top. That’s better” meera said thoughtfully. “no maasi. What if the cake’s owner comes checking for it. It’s also someone’s birthday cake. I’ll be back in few minutes”

“mads, I guess it’s the wrong cake” jass said lifting the cake from the packet to show Madhu. “you had ordered black forest and this one is Chocó chip. And Radha? Who’s Radha by the way?” he asked frowning at Madhu. “oh no! I guess the cake got swapped by mistake. I’ll take it back to the bakes and get a new one. Maybe this cake’s owner might also have come to check” she told jass. “yes after all it’s someone else’s birthday cake. But be quick. The kids are waiting” jass ushered her out.

Madhu hurried to the bakes store and found the same man whom she dashed into, walk towards the shop from the opposite direction, holding the cake packet. She had seen him leave, then what was he doing there now? Was he there because he also got the wrong packet? She thought to herself remembering their encounter because of which she got the wrong parcel. 

Rishab was striding towards the store when he saw Madhu walking towards the shop with her eyes on him. She kept looking at him with a thoughtful smile. She too had the cake packet in her hand. He had seen her leave then why was she there now? Did her cake also get exchanged or something? Am I having the cake she ordered? He thought remembering how they had bumped into each other. her expression approved his doubts. 

She nervously reached him with a soft smile as he mirrored her look. Seeing him again unexpectedly, she was finding it hard to form words. “I took home the wrong cake” he began slightly embarrassed. “I guess it got exchanged by mistake” she replied nodding. They looked at each not knowing what to say. When silence took it’s place they decided to give back their respective packets and leave. “mia?” Rishab asked implying to the name on the cake, as they exchanged the packets. “she’s family. Like my little sister” Madhu replied fondly. “Radha?” this time it was her question. “my mom” he said to which she smiled nodding.

“Madhubala mallik” she introduced herself. Forwarding her hand for shake. “Rishab kundra” he said taking her hand in his. Madhu’s phone rang making her retrieve her hand to attend the call. It was jass. That’s when Rishab noticed the bracelet on her hand. It had a hanging of arrow and sun just like on the note he found two days before. It  drove his thoughts back to the note. “I got the cake jass. I’m on my way back” she told jass and cut the cut. “thank you” she said to which he nodded absent mindedly. He broke out of the reverie hearing her close her car door. He kept staring at her as she drove away. Is she related to that note in anyway? He thought.  shrugging off his bizarre assumptions he got in his car and drove off home

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 26, 2017 ⏰

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