Chapter 2: Innocent Until Proven Guilty

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I shook my head again. "This is fucking stupid." I felt Happy grip my arm tighter. I clenched my teeth, getting fed up with them.

"Just tell us. Then you can go" Jax spoke.

"Are you fucking deaf? I said I don't know you stupid bastard." Happy jerked my arm and got in my face. "We saw you with Alvarez! He handed you money! Don't fucking lie!" He seethed. I rolled my eyes, I'm done with this bullshit. I slammed my head forward, colliding with Happy's mouth and nose. I heard the satisfying crack. His grip loosened then he lunged toward me. In one swift movement I had him pinned to the ground with his arm pinned. I took his gun and held it to his head.

A chorus of yells and guns cocking sounded around the room. The gun closest to me which was Juice. As I felt the cold barrel hit my temple I was suddenly back in combat. I looked down and saw the man I was operating on. I could hear the sound of gunshots and blasts. Yelling, noise it's so loud. Then the same feeling the gun on my temple..... the beginning of me being taken as a POW. I set down my needle and thread, as I was sewing up a bomb wound—

"Lass!" I snapped up and pushed whoever it was off me in one movement. I backed up against the wall, gasping. I looked at my hand that was holding Happy's gun. I let it slip out of my hand and clank to the floor.

"I'm so sorry." I looked to the leader who was still calmly seated. I saw Happy still on the floor. I moved and helped him up. His nose was gushing blood. He looked past me and I grabbed the cloth that was hanging from the one called Chibs' hand.

"Apply pressure. It will stop." I said handing him the rag. I stood and looked down the table. Some guns were still out, some were put up. I fiddled with my military dog tags. "I give English and Western riding lessons. Mr. Alvarez's daughter is adorable and she loves her lessons. She's like my sister please don't hurt her. I don't know anything about anything that Mr. Alvarez does outside of my lessons." I said confidently.

"Do you know about the Mayans?" Chibs asked. I shook my head. I looked down at my watch. Wow this 'meeting' lasted until dark.

"Wait outside." Jax spoke. I walked to the door and left. I saw several chairs and I sunk down into one. I heard murmurs through the door. My eyes started to feel heavy and I slumped down further in the seat and curled my legs up. I laid my head on the arm rest and drifted off to sleep.


I watched as Happy tightened his grip on Emma. I gritted my teeth to keep from yelling at him for hurting a woman like that. She looked innocent. Why could nobody see that? She kept answering Clay's questions opposite of what he wanted to hear and he threatened her.

 I shifted forward in my seat. I watched her face to see if I could tell of she was hiding something—she wasn't. Happy got in her face yet again. Then suddenly her eyes seemed to glaze over and she slammed her head into Happy's nose.

 I wanted to cheer for her because Happy was being a bastard but I didn't. I followed everyone else's lead and pulled my gun out. Juice put his gun on her temple and she completely froze. I set my gun down on the table and walked towards her. I delicately touched her shoulder and she pushed me off of her.

She backed up gasping, her eyes lost the glaze and she shook slightly. She looked down at her hand and dropped the gun.

"I'm so sorry" She spoke with her eyes trained on Clay. I kept close in case she lashed out again. I watched her help Happy up. She followed Happy's eyes and took the rag from my hand. She whispered something to him and he nodded. She stood up and yet again and fiddled with dog tags. Wait—she's military. Oh, shit.

Emma said her peace and we all listened. "Wait outside." Jax spoke. She walked promptly out. I sat down and put my gun away. "She's innocent" I say confidently.

"Well, let's take a vote." Clay said. "Yeah"

"Hell yeah." I answered. Everyone agreed and all said yeah.

As Clay smacked the gavel down I stood up. I did a mental heel click. I am so happy that she was seen by the boys as innocent. I was the first to open the door and I walked out to see her asleep on one of the arm chairs. I felt a hand grasp my shoulder. I slightly turned my head and I saw Clay.

"Aye, Clay. Can I take her to sleep in my room?" I asked. He smiled and nodded, "yeah go ahead." He replied. I walked over to her and gently picked her up bridal style. I set her on the opposite side I from the one I sleep on. She stirred a bit and her face scrunched up cutely. She settled down into my bed and I gently covered her up.

I took off my kutt and set it on my chair. I changed my clothes into shorts because a lady was present so I can't sleep in just underwear. I turned out my light and slid into bed. I pulled the covers up around me and smiled at the warmth that flooded me. 

I looked over as Emma stirred in her sleep. She was grunting and breathing heavily. She thrashed a bit then she shot up. She turned and looked around the room and then she saw me. Her eyes drooped and she slumped back down beside me. I jumped slightly as her arms wrapped around my torso. I smiled into the darkness, then let it consume me.

Hey guys! This is a shorter chapter—my apologies but I hope you like it! (Its still over a thousand words lmao)

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 26, 2017 ⏰

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