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  People would get so ANGERY if people treated straight people the way they treat LGBT couples...like I'm still freaked out that kids in my school call each other "gay" or "lesbian" as an insult! Grow the heck up guys. So what if someone thinks guys or girls are pretty, you can't make fun of who they're attracted to!! What if people who get crushes on the opposite gender told me, I wouldn't say, "OMG that's so straight!!" because I support them and their choices.

Not to mention when I'm a feminist at school and people are like, "oh you're a feminist???? Why do we need that??" I just look at them. The boys in my class complain about sexist things said to them and then they say to me, "Whatever. Go back in the kitchen." THE HYPOCRISY I TELL YOU!! Anyway that's the first of many rants byeeeeeeeeeeee

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