Lucky Girl and Magic boy

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RJs P.o
Hey guys a lot has happened this summer so far we thought against a giant frog a sea monster and other things.

Me grandpa Gwen and ben were currently in a magic museum that me and Gwen wanted to see.

Ben was currently doing funny faces behind a mask while the tour guide showed us a spell book.

"And behind this impenetrable glass the recently discovered, and only known existing copy of the 'Arcomada Book of Spells'" said the tour guide.

"It contains ancient witchcraft and rituals from the late 1600s" me Gwen and the tour guide said at the same time. "Maybe you two should work here dears" she said with a glare before walking away.

"Don't let mummy face get to you, she's probably older then that spell book pause you can do actually magic RJ" said ben. "Thanks Ben" I said before hugging him. "Anytime little bro" ben said.

Suddenly the ground started to shake and everyone started to scream so I covered my ears. Then everyone started to float to the celling.

"Something tells me this isint part of the tour" said Grandpa. That's when I noticed some kind of red smoke come in threw the window

once it came in a grey skinked man wearing strange black and red robes appeared and strange charms on his chest went over to the acromada book of spells.

"The Acromada Book of Spells All of its power will soon be mine" he said. The charms on his chest began to glow. He said a spell and the case broke and he levitated it into his hand

"Now will be a good time to go hero" said ben. He was about to turn into one of the aliens the watch allows him to turn into when everyone started to fall to the ground.

"Tardis Motis" i said everyone started to slow down until we stopped on the ground when we did all the tourists ran away safely.
The man turned to me

"A young magician well let's see how you can handle this" he said pointing his staff at me
It shout a beam at me I closed my eyes and put my arms in front of me. "RJ NO" grandpa shouted.

When I opened my eyes a pink wall was blocking the beam and my hands were in pink circles.

"How did I do that" I said before I made my hands stop glowing and the wall went away.

"You may have survived that but not this" he said. He was about to shoot another beam at me. But a blue and black blur saved me I knew who it was XLR8 one of bens Aliens his power is supper speed.

"You ok RJ" ben asked me. "Yeah am fine" I said.
He nodded before going back to deal with the stranger. Gwen and Grandpa ran over to me
"RJ are you alright" grandpa asked me. I nodded.

Gwen hugged me "am so glad your ok" she said before letting me go. "RJ I think it would be best if you headed back to the rust bucket" said grandpa.

I nodded. "Portallus Projectum" I said a pink tornado surrounded me and in a flash I was back in the rust bucket.

I sat down doing teleportation spells make me light headed and suddenly I felt my eyes glow pink and suddenly I was somewhere else.

I saw that women again with a grin. "Hello RJ I saw what you did you were able to create a mana shield" she said. "What was that what that pink wall was" I asked.

"Yes your powers are developing very strong you are very powerful" she said.

"I think you got the wrong kid am just some disabled kid everyone at school tells me that" I said feeling my eyes water.

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