Chapter Two

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I opened my raggedy blue passport to the customs agent. She looked at my picture then glanced at me. Almost reluctantly, she stamped my passport and slid it back to me. I looked around the large airport and groaned. I had no idea where Langston was and trying to read Caledonian was my weak point.

"Lu!" I whipped my head around and squealed when I saw my older brother standing down by the luggage belt with flowers in his hand. I darted to him and we crashed into each other. "Langston! I haven't seen you in forever." I hadn't seen my brother in person for almost a year and damn did it feel good to hug him. Langston was the newest Ambassador from the US to Caledonia. He had been here for a year already and begged me to follow.

"Come on girl, let's get you some food. How long was the flight?"

"I had a layover in London for two hours. So I drank tea and read Sherlock Holmes," I joked. Langston winced as he grabbed my luggage and escorted me to the taxi area. He let out a loud piercing whistle and was able to signal a bright blue car quickly. The driver took us to Langston's flat.

As we chatted like girls in the back, the cabbie turned up her radio when an announcement was made. "The Royal Family has just made an announcement that Prince Nicholas Von Erich III is looking for a wife! Sources have stated that the prince is looking to settle down as he begins to train to be king. Are the rumors true that his father, King Nicholas, will vacate his throne in the coming months?" Langston rolled his eyes. "I've been here for two weeks and I'm already sick of them. Did you know last week, the Princess was drunk at a bar with another man? And they said the Obamas were a 'bad' family."

"You know why," I whispered softly as I pointed to my brown skin. Langston nodded sadly.

"Shame, can't even go across the pond without being called a nigger." I sighed as I looked out the window and admired the architecture. "It's a little bit of a drive to the flat, so just relax okay?" I followed Langston's suggestion and laid my head against the cool window, the occasional knock against my head didn't help me sleep much but I didn't mind. I knew my time in this tiny country would be a great one.

When we pulled up to the front of the building I quickly sighed as I wanted to get deep into the bed. Jet lag wasn't a joke. Langston helped me with my luggage and paid the cabbie. We walked into the spacious foyer and he typed in a code. The Caledonian national song was playing as more news (oh joy) about the royal family came on the radio.

"There are rumors flying in the Royal Palace that Prince Nicholas is beginning to look for a wife, does that mean he is about to assume the throne soon? Reports say, Nicholas is only willing to marry the lucky woman if she is not, of royal lineage. So ladies, now is your chance to make your dreams come true!"

I rolled my eyes even harder as we walked up the spiral staircase to the sixth floor. The apartment was a little cramped but I loved it. "Well, Gina and I are next door if you need anything if you need anything. I'm so glad you decided to come here." Langston gave me the biggest hug and handed me a plastic card. "This is your access card to get into the US Embassy, on the back is my office number if you get into any trouble." I rolled my eyes and snatched the card. "Okay."

"Luli, what are you doing tomorrow night?" Langston asked as he pushed my luggage through the door and to the center of the common room.

"Nothing much...why you ask?" I inquired.

"The Royal family is throwing a dinner in celebration of the queen's life. Annual dinner and they raise money to donate to her favorite charity." I squinted in suspicion. "Why can't Gina go?"

"Stomach virus or pregnancy. Not sure. She's not willing to take a test."

I laughed as I dumped all my stuff out my carry-on. "Sure, I don't have dress though," I warned.

"What size dress and shoes you wear?"

"Ten and nine," I casually stated.

Langston whistled. "Been getting thick I see." I laughed loudly and rolled my eyes. "Eating good and livin' life," I responded. Langston laughed and smiled sweetly. "I'm glad double trouble is back," he admitted. My face turned a little hot from embarrassment. "You still remember that name?" Langston nodded. "How could I forget? Get some rest before you pass out." I decided to follow Lang's orders and trudge into the bedroom made just for me. I sighed as I collapsed onto the soft bed and let the jet lag catch up with me and knock me out.

The next morning....

I groaned as I rolled over into a ball under the covers. "Goodmorning!" I yelped at the exclamation and shot up. Langston was standing there in his usual suit and coat for work. "I sent some ladies over to get you ready for tonight. Your dress will be here shortly. Also Gina is here if you need help." I stared blankly as I tried to process everything he was saying. "What time is it?" I slurred. "It's noon. You slept for twelve hours." I groaned as I laid back down and pulled the covers tighter, like it was a shield.

"Alright ladies, work your magic," Langston ordered.

I was pulled from the bed and sighed as I escorted into the bathroom by two women in white coats. Was this a joke? Gina, Langston's wife, stepped in with my little niece Galina. "Gina!" I exclaimed. She hugged me tightly. The sweet smell of her perfume always felt like home; with Gina being older than me and Langston she always felt like a sister figure to me and I couldn't appreciate her more.

Gina's heavy southern accent hadn't changed, even with living in southern Europe for almost two years. "Darlin' I miss yeww! How have you been? How was New York?" "Fabulous. I loved working but I wasn't finding enough of it." Gina shook her head in shame, her little auburn ringlets dancing. Gina was light-skinned but seemed to blend in quite well with Caledonia. She was dawned in the latest runway clothes from Paris and wore jewelry straight from Italy. Gina knew how to live.

"Listen, just let these ladies do their job okay. They're here to pamper us." I smiled as I went into the bathroom and noticed the hot bath waiting on me. I closed the door a little and got in. My body rejoiced as the bubbles, oils, and aromas crawled into me. "So did you hear about the prince?" Gina asked as she sat on the stool next to me and handed me some fruit. I nodded.

"That's all y'all fuckin' talk about," I groaned. "You know how you talk about Beyonce?"

I squirmed at the mention of my fangirl-ness. "That's how he's treated." I shrugged as I bit into a pineapple slice. One of the women began to do my nails and I relaxed as I let Langston's good government job pamper me.

"So, you should try to get with him. You could benefit from being a queen," Gina teased. "I'm no queen material." Gina shrugged as she ate some grapes. "Never know unless you try." Her over threaded eyebrows wiggled. I laughed and shrugged. "I'm not looking for a husband."

"True but somebody could be looking for a wife."

I chewed the bottom of my lip softly as I considered if I even had any chances of being with that man. Nah, not possible... 

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